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 AUXOP 2 (AX2)

Section XXII: Qualifications –AUXOP Award Process AUXOP AX-2 AUXOP (AX or AX-2) Award Process Technically AX has no further qualification possibilities. The objective is to earn the new code AX-2. The AX remains listed here so future members will understand why some members have AX and newer members have the new code AX-2. Specialty Training Ribbon This recognition is presented to an Auxiliarist who has satisfactorily completed any of the specialty courses. Auxiliarists add a 3/16-inch bronze or silver stars to show completion of additional courses. This designation recognizes the satisfactory completion specialty courses. Auxiliarist will wear the AUXOP device after meeting the new AUXOP requirements. No medal is presented with this award. This ribbon is removed if the person completes the requirements for AUXOP. This award will not be recorded in the awards list but by nature of it member passing one of the specialty courses indicates the person may wear the device New AUXOP certification procedures - The new AUXOP identification feature in AUXDATA is now on line, and operational. The new AUXDATA eligibility and progress reports will enable DIRAUX to identify and certify members meeting the new criteria for AUXOP. There is no longer a requirement for the member to submit the previously used worksheet to advice of the AUXOP eligibility. A new report in AUXDATA allows members to check their progress toward AUXOP. If you do not have AUXDATA access, the DSO-MT will provide this information upon request. The DSO-MT remains the point of contact for AUXOP questions and concerns Application for Specialty Ribbon or AUXOP Pin forward to OTO by the FC on behalf of member.