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Members, below you will find the ability to process your yearly membership dues simply online by utilizing our PayPal account. This option allows you to use a variety of online payment methods. To process, simply fill in the information and click the "Buy Now" button.  If you would like to donate additional finances to our base funds, please use the drop down menu and select the option which you would like.

* Please note that payments through PayPal feature a $4.00 processing fee. This fee is included in the below options. 

Dues + Donation


Looking to donate more than you can select above with your yearly dues? Looking to donate more frequently? In any instance, we have an option for you to donate any amount and any time you would like! Click below and simply fill in the information to donate any amount. 



The Flotilla has established various ways to contribute to the new Base Building.  The name of any member who makes the $100 contribution will be included and recognized on a plaque in the building. Of course, less than $100 donations will be graciously accepted and acknowledges as a Certificate of Appreciation. Click below to donate. 

Base Building Donation