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Member Training

  • 06A: Operational Training. Used by qualified instructors or aides to report operations training activity
  • 06B: Member Training Other. Used by instructors or aides to report training other than operations.
  • 06C: AUXSCE Instruction. Used only by a qualified AUXSCE instructor (Auxiliary Search Coordination & Execution

Trainee vs. Student for 06A & 06B Member Training Missions

A trainee for 06A or 06B is a member who is currently training for an instructor qualification by teaching under the supervision of a qualified instructor, or when a qualified instructor is in REYR and is in the process of re-certifying.

Because both the instructor and instructor trainee are teaching the class, their time is reported on a 7030 as 06A or 06B and the trainee box is checked.

A student is a member who is participating in the class as a student and is not involved in instruction.

Because the student is receiving the instruction, they will either record their time for attending the class on their 7029 or directly into AUXDATA II as Mission Code 99D.

Member Training Required Workshops

Instructors of a Nationally Required Workshop will generate two Activity Logs

Note this is a change from our previous pratice.

The first Activity Log will be for the Instructors.

  • Designate Mission Code 06A or 06B
  • Include Task or Tasks to be Captured
  • List Instructors as Lead, Non-Lead, or Trainee

The second Activity Log will be for the Students

This Log will list the Mission Code as 99D and will also include the Task or Tasks to be Captured.

All Students will be listed as Lead, because 99 time represents individual time and effort and all members receive Lead time for all Mission Code 99 hours.