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Courses and Tests

National Testing Center

Click here to take you to the National Testing Center webpage which contains the Training Courses and Manuals shown below:

  • APC - Administrative Procedures
  • AUXCOM - Communications
  • AUXPAT - PatrolsAUXSC&E - Auxiliary Search Coordination & Execution
  • AUXSEA - Seamanship
  • AUXWEA - Weather
  • Aviation Test A and B
  • Digital Photography (AUX-26)
  • GoodMate
  • IDC - Instructor Development Course
  • IMSEP - Introduction to MSEP
  • Advanced Journalism (AUX-25)
  • Basic Journalism (AUX-24)
  • NavRules
  • Operations Policy Exam Manual
  • Operations Policy Online Course
  • Introduction to Auxiliary Public Affairs (AUX-20)
  • USCG Public Affairs 2nd Class (AUX-22)
  • Public Affairs Policy (AUX-21)
  • Recreational Boating Safety Visitor Program (RBSVP)
  • Vessel Examiner (VE)
Click here to take one of the tests listed above.

Auxiliary Mandated Training

Auxiliarists must successfully complete the following Member Training (MT) during their first year of enrollment and then once every five years thereafter:

(1) DHS Together - Resilience Training - course code 502379
(2) Security Education and Training Awareness (SETA) - course code 810030
(3) Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information - course code 810015
(4) Sexual Harassment Prevention - course code 810000
(5) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - course code 810045
(6) Civil Rights Awareness - course code 502319

Auxiliarists must successfully complete the following MT only once (new members shall complete them during their first year of enrollment):

(1) Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts - course code 502306
(2) Influenza Training - course code 502290

Currently enrolled members have until 31 December 2016 to complete all eight of the MT courses listed above. As each of the first six courses listed above is completed, its own five-year cycle will start. Each cycle will extend to 31 December of the fifth year regardless of the date the course was completed during the year, and so on.

You can access the mandated training courses on the AUXLMS by clicking here.

Incident Command System (ICS)

ICS course materials and tests are available through FEMA. Click to access each of the courses:

ICS 100
ICS 200
IS 250
ICS 700 (the National Incident Management System introduction course)
IS 702
ICS 800

Note that members should notify Robert Haverfield, ADSO-IS when they pass a FEMA course so that he may enter it into the members training record in AuxData. Forwarding of the passing confirmation e-mail to Robert is sufficient. His e-mail address is DirAux should also be copied.
ICS 210 is available on the AUXLMS site.