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Matt Chester - FSO-MT 

Tom Sawyer
Cell: 207-653-3484

W. Tom Sawyer Flotilla Staff Officer for Member Training (FSO-MT).

I have been an active  Auxiliarist for over two decades, and served in Flotilla 12 (Bangor, Maine), Flotilla 10-2 (Savannah, GA) and now Flotilla 96 here at Wiggins Pass, Naples.

I’ve had the pleasure of being elected as Flotilla Commander and Division Commander over the years; and have held multiple  offices in Member Training, Public Affairs, Aids Verifier, Vessel Examination, and  Publications. 

I’m currently a Coxswain, Chief Qualification Examiner, Vessel Examiner, TCT Facilitator, Telecommunications Operator, and formerly served as Division Staff Officer for Member Training (SO-MT) and, Assistant District Staff Officer for Member Training (ADSO-MT). 

As FSO-MT, I’m excited to help each Member navigate the requirements of active and fulfilling Auxiliary Membership;  especially once they’ve completed the Mandatory Training Requirements and ICS 100, ICS 700 and Basic Qualification Course II; all of which are available online. Of course, we’ll provide guidance and support during all aspects of Auxiliary Membership! 

We intend to meet with each new Auxiliarist to better understand their goals in joining the USCG Auxiliary; and to introduce them to  Officers, Mentors and Instructors to help lay out a pathway to increased AUX participation and enjoyment.







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Once a new member has completed their initial introductory training including Mandatory Training, ICS 100 and 700 and Basic Qualification Course II then I am the person the see to map out your further training in the Auxiliary. I want to get you hooked up the right Flotilla Staff Officer to immerse yourself in the many challenging opportunities the Coast Guard Auxiliary has to offer. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns or questions regarding Member Training activities.


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