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Member Training Online:
Basic Qualification Course II - Auxiliary members who are familiar with the customs, traditions, and history of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, understand our Missions and Programs, the organizational structure, the policies and regulations that guide us, and understand the protocols and uniform wear will be far better prepared to serve the Coast Guard than less knowledgeable members. In addition, Auxiliary members need to have the same training as the Coast Guard with regard to ethics, civil rights, privacy, and security (specifically addressed in our Core Training).
Mandatory Training Site - Click on this link to go to the Auxiliary Mandatory Courses for all members. All the 8 courses required are to be found here including the FEMA IS100 and IS700 courses. Please note that this site uses your email address rather than your Aux ID number and you'll also have to set up a new password for the LMS system. To do so, just click on Forgot Password to receive a temporary password to login, then change the password when in the system.
Auxiliary LMS (Learning Management System) Site - You can find the 8 Auxiliary Mandatory Courses here as well as additional option online courses.