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VFC Completes New Leadership Course

Vice Flotilla Commander Joey Taguding receives acknowledgement from District D5SR Commodore Michelle Thornton upon successful completion of the new Auxiliary Flotilla Leadership Course (AFLC) at the Spring 2020 D-Train held in Raleigh-Durham, NC.

VFC Completes Leadership Course 

Mathew Vogan is formerly accepted into the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Mathew Vogan Becomes Member 

FSO-MS Guy Campbell receives a Sustained Auxiliary Service Award.

Guy Campbell Receives Award 

New member, Karen Murphy, receives her ID card from Flotilla Commander Greg Eaton.

Karen Murphy Receives ID Card 

FSO-PA Leon Nicely is presented with his Certificate of Membership

 Leon Nicely Receives Member Certificate 

Monica Benton Recognized for Ten Years Service

Monica Benton 10 Year Service AwardMonica Benton was recognized at the Flotilla Meeting for surpassing ten years of Auxiliary Service. Monica has qualified and served as both an instructor and boat crew. 

Pat Webb receives her Auxiliary ID card from Flotilla Commander, Greg Eaton, at the Flotilla Meeting. Pat joined last year and quickly completed Mandated Training, Core Training II, AUX Patrol and Sailing and Seamanship training.

Pat Murphy Receives ID Card 

Bonnie Breneman Passes Thirty Years of Auxiliary Service


Bonnie Breneman 30 Years Service 


Flotilla Commander, Greg Eaton, recognizes Bonnie Breneman for another sustained service award and a career milestone, thirty years of sustained service. Bonnie has qualified, served and led the Recreational Boating Safety Visitor program, served as Flotilla Commander, maintained currency in Vessel Examiner and as a Boat Crew Qualified member and owner, participated in boat operations, to include a dramatic rescue of a family forced to abandon ship when their boat caught fire. Bonnie has distinguished herself many times and in many more ways than these, contributing countless hours of service. Bravo Zulu!

Diane Kenyon Receives a Second Sustained Service Award

Diane Kenyon 2nd Sustained Service Award 

Flotilla Commander Greg Eaton presents Flotilla Staff Officer for Member Training, Diane Kenyon, with her second Sustained Service Award, achieved while quickly completing varied training such as Good Mate and Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Marine Safety training, Auxiliary Patrols Specialty course, Flotilla and Administrative Procedures leadership courses and qualification as a Vessel Examiner since becoming a member in 2015.


Auxiliary members sometimes participate, behind the scenes, in significant events. John Burnett (left) and 23 other members of the Occoquan-Fairfax Flotilla were recognized by Lieutenant Miller (right) for outstanding support.John Burnett for Outstanding Service


Commodore Adams Completes Term as District Five Southern Region Commodore


Commodore Adams Completes Term Completes Term Regional Commodore Coast Guard Commander and Director of the Auxiliary, Eric May, congratulates Commodore David Adams and Mrs. "Nita" Adams at the 2019 District Training event "D-Train" in Greensboro, NC.


Potomac Guardian Auxiliarist of the Year

Guardian of the Year

Keith Economy (left), is named the Potomac Guardians Division Auxiliarist of the Year. This award is presented by the Vice Division Commander, Nick Lomangino (right). photo courtesy of Kurt Metcalf, Auxiliary

Auxiliary Member Receives Distinctive Badge

Don Goff received a remarkable distinction as an Auxiliarist receiving the Advanced Boat Forces Insignia after many dedicated hours of work with the Active Duty.Don Goff Receives Insignia