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Meeting Minutes 26 September 2020
The meeting was called to order
via GoToMeeting by DCDR Randy Lawton at 1001.
Randy Lawton lead the National Anthem.
There was a moment of silence for
Joseph Cruzen.
Members Present:   DCDR Randy Lawton, VCDR/SO-MT Don Warren, 26-1 FC/SO-NS Chuck Leady, IPDCDR/26-2 FC/SO-OP Glen Stolt, 26-3 FC/SO-VE Stanley Sionkowski, 26-6 FC/SO-CM Michael
Rubin, 26-8 FC/SO-CSKathy Ferguson, 26-10 VFC Mike English, 26-11 FC John Kraft, SO-FN Cindy Shutt, SO-HR Sue Warren, SO-IS Dora Mueller, SO-MA/SO-PB Lynda
Stolt, SO-PV Tom Griseto, SO-SR Gus Paz
Absent:   26-10 FC Jim Frick, SO-AS Patrick Cooper, 26-4 FC Dr.
Bob Currier, SO-DV Terri Blanchard, SO-PA Linda Kolhagen, SO-PE Dan Kolhagen,
Active Duty:   None.
 DCO Sue Thurlow, DCAPT Dave Hansen, DCAPT Elect Raymone Kral, 26-2 VFC Kateri
Janavicious, 26-8 VFC Larry Ferguson,
Jack Broadhurst, Agnes Feldman, Chuck Feldman, Bill Kumpula, Dave Montgomery, John Weih, Bob Wertz
Approval of Minutes from 02 May
Meeting:    Minutes from May posted on the Division website.  Gus Paz 
moved, Stan Sionkowski seconded to accept the minutes as presented.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes from 24
August Special Meeting:    Minutes from August posted on the Division
website.  Stan Sionkowski moved, Glen
Stolt seconded to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report:   As
of 31 August Balance $15,509.43;  income
to the division of $5,334.37 during the last reporting period.  Glen Stolt moved, Don Warren seconded to accept the financial report as
presented. Motion carried.
Duty Input:None.
FC Reports:     – See Division Web Page
Staff Reports:  
– See Division Web Page
Division Elections:
Stan Sionkowski elected
Division Commander by Unanimous Vote.
Chuck Leady elected Division
Vice Commander by Unanimous Vote.
DCDR Report:
Appreciation to Joseph Cruzen and Don Warren2021 Dues Abatement7025 FormsReview of District Board MeetingDistrict ElectionsCathy Slaybaugh elected new DCOPatty Metroskey elected new COSFlotilla Elections
VCDR Report:
·Thank you to Randy Lawton
·Good Luck to Stan & Chuck
DCO Sue Thurlow Comments:
·Welcome Stan & Chuck
·Thank you to Randy & Don
you to Dave Hansen
are most open District in the Nation
you for your support
D-CAPT Dave Hansen Comments:
·If need help, reach out for support.  This is Suicide Prevention Month.
·Thank you to Chris, Steven & Sue
·Congrats to Stan & Chuck
Old Business:  None
New Business:
Don Warren moved to disestablish Flotillas 26-06 & 26-08, Glen Stolt seconded. Motion passed unanimously.Don Warren moved to transfer the funds in Division from Flotillas 26-06 & 26-08 to combined Flotilla 26-01, Glen Stolt seconded. Motion passed unanimously.Stan Sionkowski suggested adding monthly Division Meeting via Zoom for next year.
Comments from attendees:   Mike Rubin discussed equipment
Caucus:           None
Committees:  None
Change of Watch
·Certificate of Appreciation
oVCDR Don Warren
oIPDCDR Glen Stolt
oSO-IS Dora Mueller
oSO-DV Terri Blanchard
oKateri Janavicious
oDave Montgomery
·Recognition of Retired Members in 2020
years:  Chuck Feldman   26-03
years:  David Pflum   26-03
o25 years: 
Denny Paramo  26-10
o25 years: 
John Weih   26-10
o27 years: 
Michael Litzner 26-08
o30 years: 
Billy Mueller   26-08
Oath of office taken by Stan Sionkowski, administered by Dave Hansen.
Oath of office taken by Chuck Leady, administered by Dave Hansen.
Randy Lawton Appreciation again to Joseph Cruzen and
Don Warren.
Stan Sionkowski Comments:
·Thanks to all Staff Officers
·Plans to visit all Flotillas
·Thank you for accepting me as you next DCDR
Chuck Leady Comments:
·Thank you for accepting me as you next VCDR
·Look forward to working with all of you next year
Adjourned 1130.
Respectfully Submitted,
SO-SR Gus Paz




Per the division standing rules, a written noticed of the special meeting and intent was sent to all division board members on 14 August 2020.

The meeting was called to order at 2000 hours by DCDR Randy Lawton.  The following board members were present providing a quorum:

Randy Lawton         DCDR

Don Warren             VCDR

Chuck Leady           FC 26-01

Kateri Janavicius    VFC 26-03

Stan Sionkowski     FC 26-03

Kathy Ferguson       FC 26-08

Jim Frick                  FC 26-10

John Kraft                FC 26-11

There were two guests:  Mike Marsden, VFC 26-11 and Cindy Shutt, SO-FN.

Motion by Don Warren: To abate the 2021 division dues in the amount of $6.  Second by Stan Sionkowski.  Discussion followed including a report of the current fund balance and estimated annual expenses.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn at 2014 hours by Stan Sionkowski.  Second by Jim Frick.  Passed.

Februrary 2021 Division Meeting Minutes

US Coast
Guard Auxiliary – Division 26 – Meeting Minutes -  13 February 2021
The meeting
was called to order by DCDR Stan Sionkowski at 1000.
Present: DCDR Stan Sionkowski, VCDR Chuck Leady, COMO Cathie Slabaugh, 01 Don
Warren, 02 Antanas Janavicius, 03 Jim Munger (VFC), 10 Mike Harbin, 11 Mike
Marsden, Sue Warren, Cindy Shutt, Dave Montgomery, Agnes Feldman, Terri
Blanchard, Dora Mueller, Glen Stolt, Linda Kolhagen, Dan Kolhagen,
Absent:  IPDCDR Randy Lawton, Larry Leighton, Bob
Currier, Patrick Cooper, Tom Meyer, Tom Griseto
Guests:  Chief Nate Puchala  
Minutes of the
26 September 2020 meeting were distributed via e-mail. Mike Marsden moved and
Don Warren seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Notes
from the January informal meeting were also e-mailed to Division bridge and
Report –  Cindy reported as of 31
December 2020 a balance of $10,876.46 checking and savings.   Glen moved and Jim Munger seconded to
approve the financial report. Motion carried. Dues notices to the Flotillas
have been sent out.    
FC Reports
-   see the Division 26 website for
Officer Reports -  see Division website
for reports.  
SO-OP  Facilities were assigned new facility number
for AUXDATA, but they will let us use the old number.  Make sure your old number is still in
AUXDATA.  Get your facilities inspected.
Get TCT and OPS classes completed so you will be ready to go when the season
begins.  We are hoping to hold a boat
school, but it will probably be later in the season. No further planning has
been done.  Glen will assist with
requesting and completing Patrol Orders in AUXDATA if you need help.
Awards – no
list of awards available.
DCDR Sionkowski
Succession planning and health of the flotillas
All 7025 and 2020 forma have been sent up the chain
Be sure to reply to routine e-mails
Get any calendar items to Agnes to put on the calendar
ID cards are now being taken care of by Lynda Stolt,
Charlevoix and are currently processing by DIRAUX
Meeting for award for FC and DCDR after two years
Take advantage of the AUXDATA training currently being held
on Tuesdays and Fridays
Spring D-Train is April 16-18 online; fall D-Train to be held
in September and hoping to be in person
Dora Mueller (IS) moved and Jim Munger (03) seconded to hold
the monthly Division update meetings the third Monday at 1900 (7:00).  Motion carried.  Microsoft Teams, rather than GotoMeeting,
will be the format. You will need to download Microsoft Teams to attend the
VCDR – nothing to report
COMO Slabaugh
Submit names for the Bruce Karns Award for new members and for
the New Member Award for those
with less than two
years membership. Submit to DCOS Patti Mitrowski.
ID cards – DIRAUX is working on getting those that have been
submitted done, hopefully within the next month.  There have been issues at DIRAUX that have
held these up .    
Additional Annual member service awards and new
qualifications awards will be sent soon.
Go ahead and send them out once received.
A new COMO update will be coming out soon.  A new Auxiliary National Reconstitution Guide
was sent by e-mail to all members.  Our
District has its own Reconstitution guidelines that are somewhat different from
the national. The D9 version will be coming out soon. Members need to complete
a new form that needs indicating whether you’ve had the COVID-19 vaccine.
Complimented Traverse City for holding separate FSO meeting
Complimented Charlevoix for its work with the Sea Scouts.
Spoke about
her watch words:  Innovate, Appreciate, Collaborate.

Nate Puchala  - He thanked us for inviting him to the
Business –  none
Business -    
2021 Budget -
The 2020 budget was sent out for reference. Cindy plugged in the updated figures
and Stan went through the line items.   Stan will send 2021 proposed budget to the
Division bridge and staff. It will be approved at the next meeting.
Mike Marsden
(11) moved and Jim Munger (03) seconded to send $150 to Past Captains Association.  Motion carried.
goals –  Attempt to get two new members
per flotilla which means 12 new members in the Division.  It was suggested we attempt to streamline the
new member process as much as possible.
COMO Slabaugh shared that they’re planning on offering new member boot
camps to help new members learn the Auxiliary.
Completing the application accurately is key. Minor corrections can be
made without sending back to the applicant.
Take advantage
of leadership courses and training being offered on Sign-up genius.
New member
award nominees were sent to the appropriate persons.
Plans and
decisions need to be made for the end of the year Change of Watch.
Mike Harbin (10)
– Sector Sault Ste Marie contacted him
and is interested in a mobile command center for the Traverse City area. It is
in the early planning stages and discussions are taking place.   It is
to be funded by the Sector via grants.
COMO Slabaugh may be able to assist with providing a trailer.
committee was appointed – Dave Montgomery and Agnes Feldman.  
Motion to
adjourn -   Dora Mueller moved and Don
Warren seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 11:31.  
Warren  SO-SR
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Division 26 - Monthly Meeting Minutes – 15 November 2021
The meeting was called to order by DCDR Stan Sionkowski at 1901 online using Microsoft Teams. FCs are expected to attend, SOs are welcome to attend.
Members Present - DCDR Stan Sionkowski, VCDR Chuck Leady, 01 Don Warren , 02 Antanas Janavicius, 03 James Munger (for Larry Leighton), 10 Mike Harbin, COMO Cathie Slabaugh, DCAPT Raymone Kral, Sector AUC Dave Hansen, SO-SR Sue Warren, Dave Montgomery, Glen Stolt,
Minutes of the 2 October regular meeting were distributed via e-mail. Don W moved and Mike H seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report (Cindy) Cindy submitted her report to DCDR Sionkowski. She reported $985.83 in checking and $9879.26 in savings for a total of $10,865.09. Interest was $1.32. James M. moved Don W. seconded to accept the report as presented. Dave M asked about the purpose of the funds we have in our accounts.
Flotilla Commander Reports:
26-1 Don Warren (Cheboygan) We acquired two new members over the year and one prospective member who is working on his enrollment application. Our COW is scheduled for 14 December at Audie’s in Mackinaw City at 1600 (4:00). Elections have been held. FN has been collecting dues and updating membership. We are working on filling our FSO positions.

26-2 Antanas Janavicius (Charlevoix) There is not much going on at this time. Members are traveling to warmer places. We have started our informal monthly meetings.
26-3 James Munger for Larry Leighton (Roscommon) Elections are set for next week. The last of the in-person meetings has been held and we are going to online meetings. We have one new member at BQ and another new member in AP. We expect to hold a PA Event next summer – a swimmer going to swim Houghton Lake.
26-4 Bob Currier (Alpena) – no report
26-10 Mike Harbin (T.C.) - Two new member applications have been submitted. We are disenrolling two members. Our elections have taken place - Mike H will continue as FC, Dave M will continue VFC. We are rebalancing and filling FSO positions. Our COW will be held on Tues 7 December.
26-11 Mike Marsden – no report

Staff Officer Reports-
AS Patrick C – no report
CM Dave M - We havent done much this year except to get people qualified. We are hoping to do more training next year and increase the number of qualified watchstanders. We are working on the remote facility. We are creating a Google group of CM personnel.
CS Agnes F – no report
HR Terri B – no report
IS Dora M – no report
MA - vacant
MS Randy L – no report
MT Don W – There is all sorts of training available on the district web page using Sign up Genius. Find what training you need (CT, quals) or what training you would like. DSO Garrison Bromwell is planning a once-a-month online training topic beginning with Towing on 20 November at 0900, 15 January - Communications, and 19 February -Search and Rescue. Register on the Sign-up Genius to attend.
NS Chuck L – Nothing to report
OP Glen S – Nothing further to report for this year, We are looking forward to next season. Glen asked COMO Slabaugh about the possibility of a boat school next year. Her reply was that it’s quite possible.

PA Linda K - No report
PE Dan K – No report
PV Tom G – No report
VE Larry L - James reported for Larry - Nothing further to report.
Awards - none
Comments from the Bridge:
DCDR Sionkowski –
Stan sent an e-mail last month about the new uniforms. New ones coming out 2024 for the Auxiliary - long sleeve and short sleeve. There will be a polo shirt with pants or shorts as an alternative (AWU) to the ODU. COMO Slabaugh commented that the current uniform is going away as of 31 DEC for the active duty. There is a replacement on the timeline for the current ODU, called CGU. It will be rolled out with Active Duty now, but not for the Auxiliary until 2024. The alternative uniform (AWU) consists of polo and commercial pants or shorts and is approved for all Aux activities. They will not be carrying as many of the larger sizes in the new CGU. You may need to wear the alternative uniform (AWU). It is not required that all participants be in the same uniform.

VCDR Chuck Leady – No further comments
COMO Slabaugh – Nothing further
DCAPT Raymone Kral – Thanks to everyone you for having me. I am impressed with Division 26. I like that there are plans in the works already for next year. I am proud of you all.
Dave Hansen, Sector Unit Coordinator - Things at the Sector are quieting down as the boating season ends.. If anyone has anything that they want Dave to bring to sector let him know. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your service.

Old Business –
Elections - DCDR Sionkowski asked which Flotillas have held their elections. Traverse City and Upper Great Lakes reported that they have.
District Training Classes/courses - Sign up for training classes on district website.
Don W: Commented on the e-mail that was received by all members reporting that the financial system update will be delayed thru December.

New Business –
Form 7007 FSO - Get these forms completed and sent to Stan so they can be sent up the chain. Also send a copy to Dora for inputting.

Financial Reports - Get your flotilla financial reports completed

Health of Flotillas - DCAPTs and DCDRs are tasked with assessing the health of the flotillas. COMO Slabaugh has devised a process/assessment to evaluate this. What are the markers of unhealthy and healthy flotillas? Identify things that can be done better and how to improve them. Stan will talk with the FCs about flotilla health and come up with a plan for improvement by January 1.

The Division COW will be held online 4 December at 1100. We are not comfortable with an in-person event at this time. Stan asked COMO Slabaugh if she is willing to oversee the COW.

COMO asked our Division to be involved in a beta test of the Form 7017 Record of Unit Meeting which was last updated 2009. Instructions and a new form will be sent. SRs will test for 6 months using this new form then provide feedback. No one is currently using this form. Questions asked were: who is going to read these, what use will be made of them, and is this a replacement of the traditional minutes or in addition to? Completed Forms would go to Stan who would pass them on.

Chuck Leady- He is working on filling SO positions. Question - Will CG have any involvement with the Center of Expertise being established for managing oil spills appearing on Senator Gary Peters website?

Raymone – ask your members if they are receiving their awards.

Dave H – Asked if the awards are awards up to date. Currently, awards are being sent directly to the individual as many flotillas are not meeting in person. Membership Service Awards - 5 year, 10 year, 15 year - should be coming directly from DIRAUX office.

Next Meeting: (after 4 December COW) 5 February 2022 in person @ Station St Ignace

James Munger moved to adjourn the meeting. Mike Harbin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2007 (8:07) .

Sue Warren SO-SR

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Division 26 - Regular Meeting - Minutes - 5 February 2022
The meeting was called to order by DCDR Stan Sionkowski at 1014 online using Zoom. FCs and SOs are expected to attend.
Members Present - DCDR Stan Sionkowski, VCDR Chuck Leady, 01 Don Warren , 03 James Munger, 10 Mike Harbin, 11 Mike Marsden, DCAPT Raymone Kral, Sue Warren, Dave Montgomery, Glen Stolt, Cindy Shutt, Dora Jasinski, Tom Griseto, 11 VFC Perry Laing.
Minutes of the 15 November 2021 monthly meeting were distributed via e-mail. Jim Munger moved and Mike Harbin seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report (Cindy Shutt) For calendar year 2021 there was a total loss of $50.05 The balance as of 31 December 2021 was $10,826.41.
Flotilla Commander Reports: See Division website for Flotilla Commander reports and important flotilla information.
26-1 Don Warren (Upper Great Lakes)
26-2 Antanas Janavicius (Charlevoix)
26-3 James Munger (Roscommon)
26-4 John Knapp (Alpena)
26-10 Mike Harbin (T.C.)
26-11 Mike Marsden (Marquette)

Staff Officer Reports - See Division website for Staff Officer reports containing important information for each service area.
AS Patrick Cooper
CM Dave Montgomery
CS Jim Munger
DV Terri Blanchard
HR James Munger
IS Dora Jasinski
MA - vacant
MS Randy Lawton
MT Don Warren
NS Chuck Leady
OP Glen Stolt
PA Lauren Yoder
PE – vacant
PV Tom Griseto
VE Stan Sionkowski
Awards – none
Spontaneous discussion was held on member training and difficulties new and current members are having accessing and completing required training. DCAPT Kral will pass this up the chain and will ask if there is some way to simplify some of the processes. Jim Munger will put a link to the Core Training courses on the Division website.
Comments from the Bridge: DCDR Sionkowski :
Succession plan/Flotilla health – being addressed by DIRAUX

7025 – Finance Forms have been submitted

Reply to e-mail – please indicate that you have received e-mails that are sent to you.

Monthly meetings – It was decided that we will meet on the 3rd Thursday each month, 1900 online, except for the months we have a regular meeting (February, May, October). FCs and SOs are expected to attend. FCs will submit a report. SOs need not submit a report.

Calendars – any class or event that your flotilla sponsors can be put on the Division and District calendar. Send information to Jim Munger SO-CS and copy Stan.

Don W moved and Jim M seconded that we switch the Division finances from Tahquamenon Credit Union to Sault Co-op Credit Union. Motion carried. SO-FN Finance Officer Cindy Shutt, P.O. Box 53, Pickford, MI 49774. Flotilla Commander FC Stanley Sionkowski, 2760 Cambay Trail, Grayling, MI 49738.

Auxdata training – A session will be scheduled by Dora and Glen upcoming. More information will come later.

Spring D-Train online – online training will be offered.

Required workshops for 2022 are OPS, VE, and IT. To see when classes are offered by the District, go to > Units> 9CR > Member Training > login> center section displays the calendar. Workshops can also be taught by a qualified instructor (or in the presence of a qualified instructor) who is also qualified in that particular area.

FC reports are to be sent to DCDR Stan and to James Munger for the website. SO reports are to be sent to VDCR Chuck Leady and James Munger. A reminder will be sent prior to the meeting. If reports are sent enough ahead of time, they can be posted to the website before the meeting.

VCDR Chuck Leady – Requested that officers submit reports as separate documents. not just embedded in an e-mail or a photo, which makes it easier to save and to post.
DCAPT Raymone Kral – Emphasized the importance of mentors for new members to assist with everything the new member needs to know. Keep up on your Core Training.
Old Business – none

New Business –
Budget – Stan went over each line item and made some adjustments to amounts based on input from SO-FN and members. Discussion was held on financing for C-school on how to help our members pay for some of these expenses. It was decided that Division will set aside up to $500 for C-school training that is held within our district at $75 per person for fuel.

Audit Committee – Mike Marsden and Perry Laing.

Division Goals – tabled until March meeting.

Future meetings will be held using Microsoft Teams through Glen Stolt’s Teams account. Don will cancel our Microsoft Teams contract.

Next Meeting: 17 March 2022 (monthly meeting) for FCs and SOs and anyone else wishing to attend.

Jim Munger moved to adjourn the meeting. Mike Harbin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 1221.

Sue Warren SO-SR

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Division 26 - Regular Meeting - Minutes - 7 MAY 2022
The meeting was called to order by DCDR Stan Sionkowski at 1015. FCs and SOs are expected to attend.
Members Present in-person: DCDR Stan Sionkowski, VCDR Chuck Leady (online), 01 Don Warren , 02 Antanas Janavicius, 03 James Munger, 10 Mike Harbin, 11 Mike Marsden and Perry Laing, COMO Cathie Slabaugh, DCAPT Raymone Kral, Sue Warren, Dave Montgomery, Cindy Shutt, Glen Stolt (online), Dora Jasinski (online), Randy Lawton (online), Tom Griseto (online), Vickie Hadaway (online), Mike Rubin (online), Lynda Stolt (online). Ten attendees in person, nine attendees online.
Minutes of the 17 March 2022 monthly meeting were distributed via e-mail. Don W moved and Jim M seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report (Cindy Shutt) - Balance as of 30 April in checking and savings $11,613.83. Question was raised as to why we have so much money. Report was accepted as read.
FLOTILLA COMMANDER REPORTS: See Division website for Flotilla Commander reports and flotilla activity.
26-1 Don Warren (Upper Great Lakes)
26-2 Antanas Janavicius (Charlevoix)
26-3 James Munger (Roscommon)
26-4 John Knapp (Alpena) - absent
26-10 Mike Harbin (T.C.)
26-11 Perry Laing for Mike Marsden (Marquette) – online

STAFF OFFICER REPORTS - See Division website for Staff Officer reports containing activity for each service area.
AS Patrick Cooper – no report

CM Dave Montgomery - Dave is scheduling two trainings for communications related certification. Working on the Communications Trailer for communications support.

CS Jim Munger – New training page on the Division website with links.

DV Terri Blanchard – No report

HR James Munger – Working with AAMS auxiliary applicant tracking system.

IS Dora Jasinski - Will continue to do short training sessions periodically on Auxdata II. RMTCT attendance goes directly to Jen Portrafka. When taking members out of REYR, training/qualifications need to be entered into Auxdata first before the 9CR Qualificaiton form is submitted by the FC.

MA – vacant

MS Randy Lawton – report as submitted

MT Don Warren – Training is being offered in various areas by individuals, not necessarily thru the Division MT, such as Auxdata, Ops workshop, Communications. For courses offered by the District, go to the district website to view and register. Boat School will be held 10-12 June at Station Charlevoix.

NS Chuck Leady - Since mid-April he has had conversations with ANT personnel regarding the upcoming ATON verifications.

OP Glen Stolt – Discussed plans and training opportunities for Boat School which will be held 10-12 June at Station Charlevoix. There will be AUXAIR participation. As Glen will not be in attendance at Boat School, Antanas Janavicius and Mike Harbin will be in charge. They are still looking for facilities.

PA Lauren Yoder - absent

PE – vacant

PV Tom Griseto – Nothing to report

VE Stan Sionkowski – Stan has extra stickers. Let him know if you are planning a VE blitz so it can be entered into the calendar.
Awards – District awards – Culinary Assistant First Place Dave Potter, Ice Operations 2021 Jim Johnson, ATON Jim Frick. Stan distributed numerous anniversary and operational awards to the FCs for distribution to members.

DCDR Sionkowski:
Succession planning Health of Flotillas has been completed per Raymone.
Please reply to e-mails as having been received so the sender knows they have been received.
Monthly Division meetings - 3rd Thursday 1900 online. It was suggested we meet at Station Charlevoix 16 June with an online option being offered.
OP, VE, and IT workshops are mandatory this year.
Put items on the calendar
Stan wore the new alternative (to ODU) uniform which consists of a dark navy polo and dark navy pants. Per COMO Slabaugh, although its authorized to wear now, the uniform is still in beta test and may undergo tweaks. Member’s name is embroidered on the shirt. Shoes: boots, black, or boat shoe brown.
Auxdata II – Stan received and Dora will distribute an e-mail regarding accessing the quick stop reports, reports already created that can be reused by members.

VCDR Chuck Leady -
Chuck announced that somehow the dots were removed from his e-mail address in the online Member Directory.

Raymone –
She is happy to finally meet everyone everyone in person.
Raymone plans to attend school as culinary assistant.
She challenged each flotilla to donate to CG Mutual Assistance (CGMA).
She is willing to help members and flotillas in any way she can.

COMO Slabaugh –
She brought CG District stickers, magnets, and pins for anyone to take.
Suggestion for those who are unable to complete CT online, print the course for the member needing it. After reading thru the material, complete self-attestation.
Fall D-Train will be held in person the weekend after Labor Day. They are looking for a suitable location that can supply six breakout rooms.
She explained further the CGMA (Mutual Assistance) program. Auxiliarists are eligible as recipients. Flotillas are permitted to donate to this program. CGMA provides loans, grants, scholarships, among many other things.
Because of our limited activity for the last two years, we are out of practice and routine. We need to re-activate and re-engage.

Old Business – The Division budget was approved at the February meeting.

New Business – Chuck commented on the current policy for military discounts for Home Depot and Lowes.

Mike H moved and Jim M seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1220 .

Sue Warren SO-SR

Next meeting: Monthly meeting 16 June 2022. It was suggested that we meet in person at Station Charlevoix with an online option offered as well.