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Our mission is to support the marine safety and environmental protection (MSEP) programs of the United States Coast Guard, and to train and support the members who participate in
this effort. We are responsible for facilitating and encouraging Auxiliary programs to support and augment the United States Coast Guard's MSEP program.
There are many ways a member may participate in the MSEP Program.
To augment the Coast Guard in an area, there must be a need for Auxiliary support in the individual Sector. When support in a particular area is required, the member must complete
a series of tasks in a Performance Qualification Standards (PQS) and certify with the Coast Guard.
The Marine Safety Training Ribbon is awarded to members in recognition of their achievement in the marine safety and environmental protection mission area.
The Trident Program is a member training and qualifications program for personnel participating in operations and support activities with the US Coast Guard's Marine Safety Directorate and local marine safety units. It recognizes an member’s continuing, long-term effort as a force multiplier in the area of MSEP. There are several prerequisites in the Trident program:
Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection,
Initial Indoctrination to Marine Safety,
Incident Command System courses
Good Mate.