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Picture of Coast Guard Auxiliary Logo.

The FSO-MS is responsible to oversee the Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety program. The program is designed to facilitate and encourage Auxiliary support for Coast Guard Sectors in the legacy Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs (MS/MEP). The program develops, in conjunction with Coast Guard Headquarters program managers and the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, Yorktown, Auxiliary-specific qualifications in these programs. The Auxiliary qualifications mirror those of the Active Duty – minus any law enforcement or military activities.

This support includes, but is not limited to, support for marine environmental response assistance, port safety and security inspections, commercial vessel safety and security inspections (UTV, UPV, CFVE and other Foreign and Domestic Vessels) container inspection assistance, mariner licensing/documentation/course audits, public affairs, area contingency planning, waterways management, America's Waterways Watch, MISLE support, and environmental education


The Marine Safety and Environmental Protection department is divided into several sections, each responsible for specific subprograms. These include

  • Navigation Systems Division
  • Commercial Vessel Activities
  • Port and Facility Activities
  • Prevention Outreach
  • Communication and Education

Our key programs include:

  • The Trident Training Program for Auxiliary members, and
  • America's Waterway Watch and Sea Partners Programs, which are presented to Active Duty, Reserve, Auxiliary and the general public.

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Duties & Responsibilities