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D1SR Materials Dept Banner

It’s a Material World! Did you know that Materials is one of the catalysts that help to insure the success of the Coast Guard Auxiliary? As everyone knows, a strong foundation is necessary for any or structure and organization to remain strong and vibrant. Materials will provide the necessary materials to complement many facets of the Auxiliary programs such as Recreational Boating Safety, Vessel Examinations, Human Resources, Operations, Public Education and others.

The Materials Program exercises responsibility and supervision over the procurement of materials, including stationery, forms and publications, as well as maintains and disseminates information on their procurement.

D1SR District Staff Officer for

Kenneth Gainer, DSO-MA

Materials Staff


Bruce Pugh, ADSO-MA SECNY-N: (Divisions 5, 6, 10, 15)


Lorraine Bier, ADSO-MA SECNY-S: (Divisions 2, 4, 11, 12, 14)


Lauren Getty, ADSO-MA SECLIS-N: (Divisions 7, 24, 25)


John Traganos, ADSO-MA SECLIS-S: (Divisions 1, 13, 18, 22)


Stanley Feldman, ADSO-Supply & Procurement

For those who have problems with the USCG Auxiliary National Supply Center fax number, please feel fee to use this set of contacts noted below:

USCG Auxiliary National Supply Center
1301 W 1st St. STE E
Granite City, IL 62040-1802
Fax# 618-876-1802
Email: [email protected]