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Getting Help

Administering a Flotilla or Division can be a daunting task especially when it relates to understanding of the various procedural guides. Frequently, by just opening up the relevant manual or guide, you can find the answer. But again, there may be those instances where the text does not make sense to you, does not cover your exact situation and perhaps requires some interpretation. On those occasions you should reach out for help.

Flotilla Staff Officer

If you are a Flotilla staff officer, you should ask your Flotilla Commander or Vice Commander for assistance. You may also contact the Division Staff Officer who is in charge of your area of responsibility. Experience is the best teacher. Each year there occurs a District sponsored training academy is held for new and returning Flotilla Commanders and Division Commanders. This academy should be a "must attend" for everyone because here new and current leaders will be presented with the tools needed to conduct Auxiliary business in an efficient and effective manner. In addition, various District Staff Officers may be conducting virtual seminars which you should attend. There may also be recorded courses available on the First Southern Region website or on the Auxiliary National website.

Flotilla Commander or Vice Commander

You are the leaders of your individual Flotilla. It is important that you take the time to become familiar with the following essential manuals and resources:

  1. The Auxiliary Manual
  2. The Flotilla Procedures Guide
  3. The First Southern Procedures Guide
  4. The Operations Policy Manual and the Sector NY Supplement
  5. Materials on the DSO-L web-site
  6. First Southern District web-site and the individual web pages of each
    District Staff Officer
  7. The Auxiliary National website
  8. Flotilla Standardized Standing Rules
  9. Division Standardized Standing Rules
  10. District Standardized Standing Rules

You may also look to your Division Commander or Division Vice Commander for assistance. Hopefully, one or both, based up their individual experience, will be able to either answer your question or provide you with the tools where you can find the answer. If your question or situation is of a legal nature rather than some procedural matter, it is the Division Commander or Division Vice Commander who should call or e-mail me. With these individuals speaking to me I will have the opportunity to also educate these leaders in respect to your particular legal matter.

Division Commander or Vice Commander

You have the responsibility to oversee the activities of a number of flotillas in your area of responsibility in the First Southern Region. You should be the mentors to the Flotilla Commanders and Flotilla Vice Commanders. Please give them the benefit of your knowledge to get rapid answers to their questions. In addition to the list of resources set forth above you should be familiar with the Division Procedures Guide.

If you have an issue or question to which, after making a reasonable attempt, you do not have the answer, the please contact your District Captain or a member of the District Legal Team. You may call or e-mail me at the phone number and e-mail address provided in AuxOfficer II on the District website or a member of the Legal Team at the e-mail address listed below the name.

District Captain

You have the responsibility to be familiar not only with all of the above recited sources and materials but also the following:

  1. Each of the National Department sites on the Auxiliary National website.
  2. The Chief Director's site and those parts of the site which address the vast amount of material relating to the Coast Guard which is found under Commandant's Instructions/Manuals.

A word about where your unit's Standing Standardized Rules can be found. Your predecessor in your office should, upon the expiration of that individual's term, pass to you the unit's important records including the unit's Standardized Standing Rules, however, if that fails you may have your Division Commander or District Captain contact the Administrative Assistant in the Director's Office to check the unit's file for the unit's Standardized Standing Rules and request a copy. If the rules are not on file with the Director, then you will have to contact individuals who previously acted as unit leaders to determine if a copy remains in their possession. A fully approved copy of each unit’s Standardized Standing Rules must be on file with the Director.

Rev. 17 FEB 2021

Coast Guard Directives (CG-BSX)

  • ALAUX All Auxiliary Standard Operating Procedures 
    This links to the Chief Director’s All Auxiliary (ALAUX) Messages that provide information, guidance, and/or policy to the Auxiliary and to the District Director of Auxiliary Offices.

  • BSX Policy Letters 
    This page provides list of all the most recent Chief Director’s Policy Letters that provide guidance to the Auxiliary and the District Director of Auxiliary Offices.
Rev 2022 APR