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Welcome to the Legal Department

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The function of this website is to provide you with easy to down-load and use documents and other information. Material will be added or removed material from time to time. Most of this material can be located at other sources or sites. It is my Team's intention to gather into one place material, together with easy to understand instructions, important to the administration of your Flotilla, Division and even the District. The District legal team is prepared to assist each level of the First Southern Region Auxiliary to resolve matters before it becomes a major issue. The mission of the DSO-LP and the District legal team is to provide legal assistance on Auxiliary related matters to the members of the District Board and Senior Staff. In addition, the DSO-LP must review all agreements entered into by any level of the District before the agreement is signed by the authorized elected officer. The DSO-LP must also review all changes to the standardized standing rules of every unit which comprises the District. The DSO-LP also provides assistance to the elected leaders in respect to the conduct of disciplinary investigations and acts as an advisor in respect to the determination made by the leader regarding the measure of discipline, if any. The District Legal Team is comprised of attorneys with diverse legal backgrounds and are all actively practicing attorneys. Each of the attorneys on the Team is a member of the Bar of one of the States which comprise the First Southern District.  Do it right the first time – save time and aggravation -ask the Legal Team

District Staff Officer for the Legal Department

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Herman Tietien Image
D1SR District Staff Officer for
the Legal Department

Herman H. Tietjen, Esq., DSO-LP
Email: [email protected]

D1SR Legal Department Team

  • Assistant District Staff Officer for the Legal Department
    Louis Liotti, Esq., ADSO-LP
    Email: [email protected]

  • Assistant District Staff Officer for the Legal Department
    Sean Peoples, Esq., ADSO-LP
    Email: [email protected]

  • Assistant District Staff Officer for the Legal Department
    Robert B. Hille, Esq., ADSO-LP
    Email: [email protected]
Hall of Justice