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Legion of Merit

Legion of Merit

The Auxiliary Legion of Merit (ALOM) is awarded for service comparable to the ADSM but in a duty of lesser, though considerable, responsibility. The Commandant or any Coast Guard Vice Admiral may award the ALOM. All ALOM packages must be submitted through the appropriate Auxiliary chain of leadership to NACO for review and approval. This applies prior to District review and subsequent routing of nominations to Area or Headquarters level.


In general, the ALOM will be awarded to Auxiliarists in leadership positions who have performed such exceptionally meritorious service as to justify the award of the ADSM, except as to degree of merit. Recognized performance must clearly be much higher than expected and have a measurable, positive effect on the Auxiliary across multiple Auxiliary regions or at Auxiliary Area or National level. This should not be interpreted to preclude the award of the ALOM to any Auxiliarist whose acts or services meet the requirements. When the degree of achievement or service rendered, although meritorious, is not sufficient to warrant award of the ALOM, the AMSM should be considered.