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Belton Lake

Belton Lake is located on the Leon River 16.7 miles upstream of the confluence of the Leon River and the Little River. It is in the northern part of Bell County, Texas about three miles north of the City of Belton and approximately eight miles west of the City of Temple, Texas. There is 136 miles of shoreline at conservation pool. The Lake area lies within Bell and Coryell Counties.

Construction began January 1949 and was completed in 1954 with a conservation pool of 569.00 mean sea level (msl) of deliberate impoundment beginning March 8, 1954. After the construction of Proctor Lake the conservation pool was raised at Belton Lake. The ultimate project conservation pool of 594.00 msl of deliberate impoundment began May 1, 1972. The conservation pool at Belton Lake remains 594.00 msl to this day.

Stillhouse Hollow Lake

Stillhouse Hollow (formally Lampasas) Lake is located 2 miles South of U.S. 190 on FM 1670 in Belton, Texas. The Lake itself is located 16 miles upstream of the confluence of the Lampasas and Leon Rivers that flow into the Little River. The lake is located 5 miles southwest of Belton, Texas. Stillhouse Hollow Lake is located entirely within Bell County. There is 58 miles of shoreline at conservation pool.

Construction began June 11, 1962 and was completed July 1968 with a conservation pool of 622.00 mean sea level (msl) of deliberate impoundment beginning February 19,1968.