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SERVE with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary

We are looking for a few good men and women to serve in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Are you interested in service to the country and your local community? Do you have patriotism? Do you have pride in our military? Are you interested in educating the public to boating safely? Do you like camaraderie?

Maybe you can be a part of team Coast Guard!

Who are Auxiliary members?
active duty military and veterans
boaters and pilots
citizens 17 years of age and older

What can you get involved in?
boat operations
teaching boater safety classes
performing vessel exams to promote safe boating
boat dealer visits
check boating navigation signs, buoys, lights, etc.
environmental protection
oversee computer website
and many, many more . . .

We are a diverse group of members who come from many different backgrounds, experiences, ages, nationalities, etc. Non-discrimination is important to us as well as inclusion for all capable members and working with the variety of people we meet in public. If you are interested in learning more about us or joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary, please contact our HR officer found above and to the left at the "About Flotilla 43-3" link.

For additional information see below. ___________________________________________________________________________

Join Us! Brochure -  Join_Us_.pdf

Prospective member booklet -  Prospective_Member_Booklet_2016.doc

Link to Join the US Coast Guard Auxiliary national site -