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Are you interested in helping the flotilla and your fellow members out?  Below are the current openings that are available within the flotilla.  If you have any questions or are interested in taking a position, please see the Vice Flotilla Commander or Flotilla Commander.

 Assistant Staff Officer - Human Resource (AFSO-HR)

Duties: Assist the FSO-HR in all member recruiting and retention activities including providing support to potential candidates, support of new and existing member HR needs and participation in new member training, mentoring and other programs as required.  Represent the FSO-MT at flotilla meetings in their absence.


 Assistant Staff Officer - Member Training (AFSO-MT)

Duties: Assist the FSO-MT in providing support and assistance to members on completing required training programs and courses required for various certifications.   Support fellow FSOs on training programs for their respective areas.  Provide regular reports from AuxData II on status of training available, required, and completed for all members in the flotilla, including notification when re-certification is required in order to maintain qualification.  Represent the FSO-MT at flotilla meetings in their absence.