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Check the V-Department's What's New Page for the latest information from National about Vessel Exams. 
Questions About the 7038 Form? -  Here is a page of tips and hints on completing the 7038 Form when doing Vessel Exams - it also answers questions like "can a trainee do a mentored VE on a Paddlecraft for one of his or her required 5 exams?

Becoming a Vessel Examiner  ---- The process of becoming a Vessel Examiner is first download the Vessel Exam Manual and then take the on line open book Vessel Exam course.  If available (check the member training page) take a Vessel Exam workshop or a new examiner course.  Then complete at least 5 mentored exam unter the guidance of one or more currently certified examiners.  Finally have your mentor complete the VE Certification Form which is sent to the DSO-VE. 

Online Vessel Safety Check Request Form --- Seattle area boaters can now use the Division 2 VSC request form to request a VSC on either a scheduled Vessel Safety Check Day or another day/location.

Pollution Prevention in Washington State Marinas
The Washington State Department of Ecology completed its ‘Pollution Prevention for Washington State Marinas’ handbook.  They were funded jointly through grants from the EPA and the WA Department of Ecology.  Vessel Examiners who work with the area's marinas should review this handbook.
Pollution Prevention for Washington State Marinas (PDF)