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Honesty is the Best Policy in Recruiting

Jonathan Raden, DVC-HR

Inviting prospective members to join the Auxiliary can be an enjoyable task if you listen carefully to the other person. There is so much information to provide, and we are afraid of providing too much information at one time and scaring them away. However, that doesn't have to be the case.

There is always pressure to recruit new members because recruiting is how the organization continues its mission, but we also must be fair to those we recruit by providing them with an accurate representation of the Auxiliary.

Providing an accurate representation of the Auxiliary means that recruiters need to offer

prospective new members the full information about the cost of membership, expectations for training, and donation of personal time. It also means that the prospective member needs to have the full range of services that the Auxiliary provides and know how those services benefit the member and the boating public.

Advise the new member that there is an expectation of involvement. Flotilla meetings are a vital means of communicating information and training opportunities. Flotilla meetings are also an opportunity to get together and share ideas. Finally, don't forget to mention social events.

Be upfront about dues and costs of uniforms. Use the New Member Involvement Plan to get an idea of what interests the new member. Listen! This will help you determine which uniforms the member will need. Explain how dues are calculated and used by your flotilla, division, district and the National Organization and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association.

Make an effort to explain that training is mandatory. Break down training requirements for each mission which is of interest to the member and let him/her know how he/she will be mentored during the Auxiliary career. Explain why everyone must pass training to ensure that missions are performed correctly and safely, and that there are requirements to maintain qualifications.

By being open regarding the costs and service requirements, those who join will understand the meaning of membership in the Auxiliary. This will help ensure that the member is comfortable in joining and will improve the potential for retention in the organization. Remember, honesty is the best policy in recruiting!