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GPS for Mariners Class
4 Hours, includes a textbook
40610 KBeach Rd, Kenai, AK
Saturday, Time TBA
Registration is $40.00
Learn how your GPS can save your life. Not just for your car anymore. GPS can be a great tool for snowmachiners, hunters, boaters, hikers, bikers, and more. Topics Included in this Course:

GPS for Mariners is a modern learning experience that focuses on the GPS equipment typically owned by the recreational boater, but can be useful for anyone utilizing a GPS to get the most out of their unit. Understand how GPS satellites work, learn how to plot waypoints to avoid hazards and retrace your path, and more.

This seminar is designed for students desiring to learn fundamental nautical GPS skills. Basic navigation skills are included to the extent required to understand GPS operations. The course includes basic functions of the GPS chartplotter. The course will include some insight into selecting the features while purchasing a GPS.

You will develop an understanding of the general architecture on how all GPS’s operate, and be able to adapt to the small differences between brands and models. You will gain the minimal skills to navigate to a safe harbor in the event of a GPS failure.