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Getting Started

1. Knowing Your Flotilla

The first thing to understand about your Flotilla is it's designate Flotilla Number. Our Flotilla or Unit Number is 114-06-08 and is broken down as follows....

The next important piece of flotilla information is knowing your Leadership Staff. The flotilla is managed and supported by it's Leadership Staff starting with your Flotilla Commander(FC) Hans Y. Devouassoux and your Flotilla Vice Commander(VFC) Jeremy Edward Wilson, followed by their appointed Flotilla Staff Officers(FSOs). These are the folks that you'll be contacting and working with to help you succeed with your Auxiliary goals. Click HERE for a complete list of your Leadership Staff.


 2. Your Member Status

As previously mentioned your starting Member Status is that of AP(Approval Pending), with an initial goal of reaching a status of BQ(Basically Qualified) making you eligible you to become certified in competencies and allowing you to perform Auxiliary missions. The three basic statuses are as follows...


3. New Member Training Guide

This guide is designed to provide you with an overview of the Core Training processes involved with going from AP to BQ status, as well as the remaining steps to complete your New Member Training.

Click to HERE to download the New Member Guide

Please review this guide completely before proceeding to the next steps.

4. New Member Academy

This 2.5-hour Academy is designed as a Fast-Start for you to learn what you need to know to get started and become a successful member of the Auxiliary.  These classes are held regularly, so please check the District 11SR Calendar or with your FSO-HR, Steven Robert Romines, for the next available Academy date.  While this session is highly recommended before you start your training, it is not required.

If you'd like to review a previously recorded session, click HERE. Use passcode: #d*8+A8K

5. Using Your Mentor

All Auxiliary processes and training have been designed with the intent to be self-help, that said even the best intentions sometimes fall short and navigating the Auxiliary, especially as a new member can be confusing.  For this reason you've been assigned a Mentor to help guide you through the New Member Process... USE THEM!  

Your mentor is here to point you in the right direction and to answers any questions you may have along the way.  Once you've completed your core training and reach BQ status, your initial mentor may be reassigned, but that doesn't mean you're left on your own.  As you progress through the Auxiliary you'll be assigned other mentors who may be specific to your goals. We are all here to help each succeed and as long as you're willing to put the time in, so are we!


6. Setting Up Your USCGAUX Account & Logging In

The first step in your core training is to setup your USCGAUX account, as this account will be used to access Members Only information on this site, as well as the On-Line Classroom/Moodle which contains all the training classes and certifications required for your basic core training.

So if you haven't already established this account as suggested in your FL 6-8 welcome letter, then let's do this now by following the instructions on the Aux Credentials page.  For now, only setup your USCGAUX account, as we'll set up your AUXDATA II(AD2) account later on in your training.

If you have any issues setting up this account, please contact your FSO-IS officer  Steven Anthony Fiorillo for assistance.

Now that you have confirmed your account, let's get you logged in by clicking the USCGAUX Login link on the left hand menu so you can start your training....


7. Core Training

Now that you've reviewed all the basics, you're ready to start your Core Training. Once again, this can be intense, but be patient, follow the steps and use your mentor.

Once you've completed your Core Training, return here to the New Member section and select Next Steps from the lefthand menu to complete the New Member Process. 

Let's Get Trained!