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Image of Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Banner
Images of Aux Food Services Team and Active Duty Culinary Services Team Cooking Together

Information on Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program


The Program's name was officially changed from AUXFS to the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Specialist (AUXCA) in 2021. COMDT CG-BSX 

What is the AUXCA Program?

The AUXCA Program is a National Auxiliary Program designed by COMO Dante Laurino (1SR) to provide trained Auxiliarists to fill-in at Small Boat Stations or on cutters to relieve Culinary Services members. The program allows CAs to attend training, take leave, etc. without the Station being short handed. The AUXCAs can also assist with VIP events, Change of Commands and other events such as picnics. AUXCAs can be available for a variety of time frames from one meal to several days. The AUXCAs do not shop for or supply food, they prepare the food the stations provide, and assist in serving and cleanup. AUXCAs are not authorized to handle cash. AUXCAs do supply that home cooked touch during the holidays and at special events.

After Commodore’s Dante Laurino successful start in 1SR, the AUXFS program was expanded as a national pilot program. COMO Dante Laurino of National-Special Projects, was placed in charge to duplicate his pilot program. District 1SR then took the lead to expand the program to the 5th District. 5th Southern and 5th Northern AUXFSs routinely assist at stations and on cutters, as well as assisting at Coast Guard and Auxiliary VIP events, including at numerous flag events. At the 2009 N-Train, the Program was taken out of pilot status by COMO Laurino to be made a National Auxiliary program. The AUXCA National Program is a Division within the Auxiliary National Department of Human Resources. Each Auxiliary District will have an AUXCA District Staff Officer appointed by the District Commodore who will work closely with the units in that District.

What is a AUXCA Member?

The certified AUXCA member completes 18-22 hours of basic food services training. The training based on the CS3 Striker course, emphasizes safety and sanitation, working in a galley and basic food preparation. The Culinary Services Directorate has approved the AUXCA Training Program. A certified and experienced AUXCA is the instructor for the training, often assisted by a unit Culinary Service Specialist.

Images of Aux Food Services Team at CG Event

How does a Unit get an AUXCA?

It is very easy to request the assistance of an AUXCA. The unit OIC or Culinary Services Officer should contact the D1SR District Staff Officer - Culinary Assistance (DSO-CA) or Assistance District Staff Officer (ADSO-CA) by sending an email to:

D1SR Food Services Anthony Carter DSO-FS
District Staff Officer for
Culinary Assistance Specialist

Anthony Carter, DSO-CA

Email: [email protected]

  • ADSO-CA-SECLIS-North (Division 7, 24, 25)
    Thomas Violante, ADSO-CA
    Email: [email protected]

  • ADSO-CA-SECLIS-South (Division 1, 13,18, 22)
    Carole Louise Neidich-Ryder, ADSO-CA
    Email: [email protected]

  • ADSO-CA SECNY-North (Division 5, 6, 10, 15)
    Matthew Croussouloudis, ADSO-CA SECNY-N
    Email: [email protected]

  • ADSO-CA SECNY-South (Division 2, 4, 10)
    Jeanne Audino, ADSO-CA SECNY-S
    Email: [email protected]

  • ADSO-CA AFLOAT (1SR Cutter Assignments)
    John Gallagher, ADSO-CA AFLOAT
    (Liaison/Coordinator between USCG Cutters, CS & FS personnel)
    Email: [email protected]

UNIT REQUESTS The request should provide detail of where, when and how long as well as anything else that would help with the assignment. The Culinary Assistance District Staff Officer or the ADSO-CA would assign an AUXCA in consultation with the Unit. The Unit is asked to provide berthing and meals to the AUXCA assigned. If the AUXCA has to travel more than 50 miles to the Unit, the Unit may be asked to reimburse the AUXCA for actual gas costs. The Unit would issue the appropriate orders and then process the travel vouchers.

Training schedules, qualification requirements, and duties will be available from this page as it becomes available.

Image of Coasties Dinner Banner
AUXCA Info & References Link