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A Division Staff Officer for Food Services (FS) will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the division's member food services (AuxFS) program and keep the division informed of all developments in this AOR. This officer will maintain close liaison with the District Chairman of Food Services in order to implement the members food services program uniformly throughout the Division, District, and Nationally. The SO-FS will ensure that the mission and goals of the Auxiliary Food Service Program is carried out and work to host food services courses throughout the Division. This officer will also compile, track and review all food services statistical information for the Division and report said information to the District Chairman for further advancement of information up the chain of leadership. Furthermore, the SO-FS will work with any and all Division staff for outreach, recruiting and training in all areas served and solicit information and pass along ideas up the chain and to the National Auxiliary Food Service staff members. Supplementary duties for the SO-FS include conducting and coordinating all Division level training, seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions in the areas of food services (AuxFS Program). Specific reporting duties include monthly reports to the VDCDR and will provide a report at division meetings on all AORs. Included in these reports will be highlights of the food services program and training schedules to the Division members for use and implementation as a part of member training and operations.

Food Services Information 

AuxFS Training and Qualification Guide


NEW ORLEANS - The AuxFS members of Division 4 District 8 Coastal Region catered for Rear Admiral Peter Gautier's frocking reception in 2014. Pictured: Michael Castle, Cheryl Castle, RDML Peter Gautier, and Thea Narkiewicz. Photo by LTJG Steven Smith.