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Do you like to cook? Do you want to learn more and enhance your skills?

The Auxiliary has a Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA)

MISSION: The AUXCA Program serves to support the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary for all culinary needs. It is a very rewarding program for all participants regardless of expertise or abilities. There is a place in the AUXCA program for all members.

AUXCA PROGRAM: The two levels are AUXCA-1 Specialist and AUXCA-2 Specialist.

  • An AUXCA-1 would train, perform duties and maintain currencies as specified in the AUXCA Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The AUXCA-1 duties are in direct support of the Coast Guard and may also assist the Auxiliary. 
  • An AUXCA-2 would train and perform duties under less stringent guidelines as specified in the AUXCA SOP. The AUXCA-2 would support Coast Guard Auxiliary events only. An AUXCA-2 is not eligible to work in or for any Coast Guard unit, cutter or event. 
  • The initial preparation and training are similar for both levels, but the training circumstances, currencies and mandatory participation hours are different.


To learn more go to the  website Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program