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It's Your Flotilla!

As a dues-paying member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, you are a share-holder, along with fellow members of your Flotilla.

The Administrative Operations of a Flotilla are governed by the Flotilla Standing Rules.

These rules consist of 15-Articles that among others define:

  • Organization - Flotilla composition, duties of elected and appointed staff, etc.
  • Meetings - frequency, date, time, etc.
  • Voting - quorum, member rights, procedures, etc.
  • Election of Officers - frequency, committee screening, succession,etc.
  • Finances - dues, funds disbursements, financial reporting,etc.
  • Committees - appointments, tasks, reporting,etc.


Standing Rules of Flotilla

DOWNLOAD (pdf): Flotilla 6-8 Standing Rules (Rev 8 April 2018)

Know the rules!