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Meeting: April Flotilla Meeting
Flotilla Staff Meeting
Monday April 9, 2018
Present: John Byrne, Maria Byrne, Peter Poulin, Richard Robichaud, Jack Maxim, Paul Standridge, Lorelle Courtois, Fred Richards, John and Kandi Lemieux guest, Stuart Gelder, Susan Polans, Frank Connelli, George Van Syckel, Billy Thornton, Jack Esser, Anne Manning,
Allen Jordan, Everett Henry, W. S. Pillsbury, James Maxner, Frank Curran, Noel March, Erick Rider, Brad Thompson, John Hume, Alessandra S. Turati, Sue Wickson
Pledge of Allegiance
John Byrne FC Comments:
• Again a big thank you for everyone’s support and work at the boat shows.
• TD April 28, 2018, please contact John Hume with your request for classes ASAP.
• Intro to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection will be April 21 and 22 at Monument Sq.
Please contact Susan Polans. The student work book will be mailed.
Noel March FSO PA
• GO TEAM COAST GUARD, a great opportunity for AUX to work with the Gold side .
• Sponsored by WGME Channel 13 Fox CBS.
• Location will be right behind Gulf of Maine June 9, 2018
• ALL people will be in ODU and there will be an inspection, look sharp and stowed away.
• Will have open house on Cutters
• Demo on flare use
• Paddle Craft info & safety
• Vessel Exams.
John Hume FSO DC
• No Division News
• D Training is a big item now. Do you have what you need to do your job.
Peter Poulin FSO VC
• Stressing on uniforms from the gold side. Please review and make sure you look sharp!
• Change in ODU Sleeves as of April 1, 2018 can be worn up or down ( esp if its cold) and up to the wearer. Tucked ODU tops still OK, boat shoes only worn on boats otherwise boots and bloused.
• Think about retiring old faded uniforms.
• Thank you Lorelle Courtois for outstanding job of bringing 22 possible new people for AUX New Member class.
• New members must now also pass BQ-II class requirement. This will eventually be incorporated into new member training but not in this class. New member training will eventually include mandated training. We eventually want new members to be ready to roll in full uniform when class is done.
• Fred Richards outstanding job on meeting notice. Fred needs your help with info articles or anything you thing would be good to share with team.
• If you get any feed back on the Maine Fire Marshall in regards to picking up expired flare please let Peter know. Positive as well as negative.
Guest Speaker John Lemieux Ret. USCG gave a wonderful story about his time with the USCG
From Key West to Maine. Thank you !
Flotilla Awards.
• Anne Manning 2 Distinguished Victorious Awards for exceptional Service. Outstanding Job!
• James Maxner, 50 hours as coxswain in 2016 and completing his Nav rules.
• Lorelle Courtois Aux Service award in Education for a total of 65 hours.
• Frank Connelly Sustained Service Award.
• ………………. 5 years service, 50 hours of boat crew and 4 hours Team Coordination Training.
• Peter Poulin, Official Instructor Specialist now.
• Jack Esser, Certified Training Nav Rules, 20 years Sustained Service Award!
• Fred Richards, VE class complete, Program Visitor course, Certified Good Mate course
Intro to Maine Safety and Evo. Pollution, completion of the following ICS programs, ICS
100, 210, 800, 200, 700, 242, 241, 240, 244.
Brad Thompson: Please see Brad if you might need any uniform items, he has lots. Contact Brad with your needs and he will see if he has what your looking for.
Adjourn 8:44
Meeting: March Flotilla Meeting
Monday March 12, 2018
American Legion Hall
Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance
Members Present: Sean Skillings, Richard Robichaud, Ken Caprio, Frank Connelly, Susan Polans, Brad Thompson, Maria Byrne, John Byrne, Fred Richards, Frank Orr, Alan Arkins, Billy Thornton, Stuart Gelder, Skip Schirmer, Lorelle Courtois, Catherine Worthley, Noel March, John Hume, Barry Stemm, John Maxim, Dennis Morelli, Sue Wickson, Peter Poland, Everett Henry II,
Linda Woodruff.
Flotilla Commander comments:
• Welcome to Shawn Skillings our new member who brings lots of qualifications .
• Thank you to folks who helped with Boat Shows.
• We will hold off on voting on budget till later in this meeting.
Noel March has info for next boat show.
• Thank you to everyone who has helped and will help. Please sign up for our next Me. Boat Show
• WGME meeting to discuss Walking the Working Waterfront (WWW Sat. June 9, 2018 all day event.) was cx due to weather. Meeting now planned for March 15, 2018.
• Boat training class cx also due to storm.
• March 24, 2018 a 1 hour boat crew workshop. Remember new people need the 4 hour class.
• Sat. April 28, 2018 Member Training Day at CG station.
• BQ 2 course 7 modules now will be required for new member trainings.
On base please be in proper uniform and especially WWW.
Main Speaker tonight: Ms. Gayle Bowness BA. MS. who is Manager of the Science Education Program at Gold of Maine Research Institute presented research information on water surge and high tide damage.
25 member quorum present.
Budget voted on and accepted.
Everett Henry II Division award
Linda Woodruff FEMA IS 100 and 700
William Schirmer ……………
Richard Robichaud Aux Op Annual Service Award 87 hours, and Aux VE Program Visit Service Award
Ken Caprio Op Service Support Service award 240 hours
Billy Thornton Aux VE Program Visit Service 86 VE and 4 Commercial Fishing vessel exams and Aux Op annual service performance 206 hours and 100 hours underway.
Susan Polands Aux Op VE Service performance award. VE 69 and 3 Commercial fishing vessels.
Good of Auxiliary :
• First Aid and CPR: check your cards and get refreshed.
• Go through FSO for materials, ribbons, ID badges etc.
Meeting Adjourned
Meeting: February Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday February 12, 2018
Time: 1900
Location: American Legion Hall, 413 Broadway, South Portland
Theme: Coming Together in Time of Urgency
Present tonight: Roberto Colon, Susan Polans, Fred Richards,Daniel Foss, Dennis Morrelli, Billy Thornton, Maria Byrne, Alan Atkins, Lorelle Courtois, John Byrne, Stephen Shane, Peter Poulin, Frank Orr, Ken Caprio, Jack Esser, George Van Syckel, Stuart Gelder, Angela Dexter, Barry Stemm, Noel March, Troy Levitt, Eric Dexter, Kathleen War-Egale, Frank Curran, Stephen Linda Woodruff, Stephen Lyons.
Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance
Comments by John Byrne FC
• Oath of Office to Intro new Staff Officers.
Susan Wickson
Fred Richards
Kathy War-eagle
Maria Byrne
Lorelle Courtois
Noel March
Eric Dexter
Kenneth Caprio
Richard Robichaud
L Bradford Thompson
John Esser
Francis Connelly
Susan Polans
Billy Thornton
• Hot topic: AUXPAD (paddle craft) Special Ops Force. Need paddle craft users & paddle craft vessel examiners. Watch for Paddle Craft Smarts in meeting notices which will help educate us.
• Meeting Notice:
Good spot for public outreach.
Boat Shows, Portland Boat show,March 1,2,3,4, 2018, 512 Warren Ave, Portland,
Maine. Please sign up to help if your able.
Maine Boat Builders, March 23-25, 2018 Warren Ave.
Walking the Working Waterfront, Boat Safety Day. June 9, 2018
Parking will be at Applicators Supply and then take the shuttle.
Member Training Update Eric Dexter
• Tools for new members Next Steps, missions available and getting involved.
New member program roll out next new member class. Will attempt to have Mandated Training and BQ-II training completed by the end of the class.
• Flotilla Website, follow new member training link, shows training events and meeting notices.
• Up coming Mandated training.
• BQ-II, new program will be required of next new member class. Will be online, customs, missions, policy regs and protocols .
• ICS 300 April 5-6, 2018 at Portland Water District Classroom will be a 2 day class from 8:00-4:30 PM. Needed for ICS problems. This class will fill fast.
• D Training March 8-11
• National Schedule, Sea School see Eric if interested and for dates.
• AUXCOM training, Monday April and May Monday nights training ribbon. Core class (1 of 3) communications . There will be another class in the fall.
• V.E. training in April
• AVEL and FEMA Programs.
Marine Safety Class, Sue Polons, Open Division wide (IMSEP course ) 2 day class on a Sat and Sun. at S. Portland. More info to come.
Main Speaker Mr. Brian S. Dougher who is Emergency Management Coordinator at MMC. Brian gave a slide show of the teams deployed to hurricane stricken locations Key west and Island of Puerto Rico and discussed some of the obstacles and problem solving they had to deal with.
Member Training Day: Lots of topics, photo op, will be open to Division 1 and south.
info in meeting notice will have more info.
Sue Wickson
Meeting: October Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday October 9th 2017Time: 1900
Location: Rusty Scupper
Uniform: ODU, or Civilian attire
Theme: Marine Salvage and Nautical Antiquities.”
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (VFC)
VFC Peter Poulin led the pledge.
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
Eric Dexter out of town
Welcomed Capt. Jim Harkins and his assistant Andy Beasley
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
FC John Byrne Thanked all for coming
Brad Thompson chair of the Nominating presented his report. Other committee members are John Hume and Billy Thornton. Elections will occur next month and a quorum is needed. He explained that all members meeting the qualifications set forth in the Auxiliary Manual and run for the offices of Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander. The Holiday Party will be December 11. It will be held at Easy Day Bowling. Final menu to be announced. Final head count is required by November 27th. All new members and spouses are invited.
• Introduction of new members and guest FC John Byrne:
• Two new members from the recent New Member class were introduced: Mike Mullens and Roberto Collen. We will be inline again this year to receive recognition for having more the most new members enrolled in 2017. District HR Don Almeida attended the orientation evening for new members and was impressed with how we do our training. Dennis Morelli has redone the Power Points for our New Member Training. All up dated materials and the photos show our local flotilla members in action.
• New RBS trailer is now on site. It should be ready next season and be available to be taken to teach Recreational Boating Safety.
• We need Coastie Operators. It was a big hit at WGME Day. It has a huge impacted on children and adults.
• There is also a need for mentors to help with new members. A new mentoring program is being rolled out with spedific guidance.
• The Fire Marshal does not want any one to be transporting expired flares. His office has the proper equipment to collect and dispose of expired flares. This information will be communicated up and down the Coast of Maine to all interested parties.
Comments from Division Commander Richard Jones.
Reminder October 26th Division meeting will be held in the Rusty Scupper. Division elections will be held on that day. John Hume discussed qualifications needed to be considered for deployment in National emergencies. If you want to be deployed get your qualifications up to date on Mandated training, BQ, Job Skills communication, public affairs, port security, environmental, Contingency planning
Maine Speaker: Captain Jim of Jim’s Marine Salvage and Nautical Antiquities.
Capt. Jim has been featured on several television programs and
has a great story to share. This will be a fun and informative
time for us all.
Has been a Capt. for over 30 years started being and working the water front since he was 11 years old. Family was here during world war II. Explained how the family was really involved in the area. He brought some items and articles from his store and shared a story about each item. Works with National and local insurance companies. He shared some stories about the wrecks in our Harbor and many other wonderful stories.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
Everett Henry 3rd service award, 24 Lead Instructor, 50 or more hours 2016
Good of the Auxiliary
November Meeting: Flotilla Elections will be held. Location TBD
A quorum is needed to cast ballots. Please mark your calendars.
Adjourn: 21:00
Date: Monday September 11th 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Rusty Scupper
Uniform: Tropical Blue; ODU, or Civilian attire
Theme: “Working Together in Partnership”
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (VFC)
VFC Peter Poulin led the pledge
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
John Byrne, Zack Wiesner is down in Florida looking for his farther as a result of hurricane.
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
VFC Peter Poulin reminded everyone about the Gate Protocol.
Discussed the New Member Training Committee and program and the updated information.
The announcement was made that Flotilla Meetings will have a greeter and sign in sheet and all were asked to make new members feel welcomed.
Open Light Day was a success. VFC thanked all who volunteered - especially KC War-Eagle for helping.
• State of Member Training- Eric Dexter FSO-MT
Discussed the many programs and jobs that members can get qualified for. Pleased with his position and that all are working together to make this process easier. Working on a Mentor program with guidance that is less labor intensive. Sept 30 Mandated Training will be available. Upcoming AUX Program maybe AUX Com, AUX Weather.
• Oath of Membership-Richard Henry:
• Update on Hurricane deployments and backfill staffing:
John Hume from Division discussed what they were looking for and what qualifications were needed and the need to follow the chain of command. He explained each phase and the qualifications for each. Member skills bank will be where they will find your qualifications. Do not deploy unless you are contacted.
Brad Manter teaches Coastal Navigation Course and passed out the syllabus.
Update on Flare Disposal options:
Legislation was vetoed by Governor. VFC continues to work with Casco Bay Keeper to implement the State Fire Marshal instructions that he wants to pick up expired flares from individual owners at their homes. Information will be added to our website.
• Main Speaker: Linda L. Grotton- Navy League
President of Casco Bay Navy league. Organization is trying to expand their focus to include the Coast Guard. Formed in 1902 to educate and maintain strong forces in sea service programs. Provide scholarship programs and grants to help with training. They work with the youth. Support the Sea Cadet Corp program. They are looking forward to working closer with the USCG base in South Portland. Their funding comes from dues, fundraising and sponsors.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
Remarks from Membership:
Good of the Auxiliary:
You need to fill out a form to change or add anything to your skills bank.
Remember what happened16 years ago today.
October Flotilla Meeting: Captain Jim of Jim’s Marine Salvage and Nautical Antiquities.
Capt. Jim has been featured on several television programs and
has a great story to share. This will be a fun and informative
time for us all. (Location to be announced)
Adjourn 21:00
Meeting: August Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday August 14th 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Maine Military Museum South Portland
50 Peary Terrace
Uniform: Tropical Blue; ODU, or Civilian attire
Theme: Honor and Reward
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (FVC)
VFC- Peter Poulin called for the pledge.
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
John Esser was introduced. He is a past Flotilla Commander from South Carolina, a Coxswain, and will be offering his boat as a OPFAC. Katherine War-Eagle she is Transferring from Southern California. Goes by KC.
Brian and Melanie Curtis also transferring in from Georgia.
Mike Mullen interested in Joining
John Hurley New member travels in from Boston.
Zack Wiessner New member
Richard Henry Snow Bird from Arizona.
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
FC John Byrne Explained why we were meeting at the Museum.
Thanked everyone who served on land and water for Coast Guard Eagle visit.
Thanked Catherine Worthley for doing security.
Discussed email issues and how to change your Auxdirectory information.
David Porrazzo was introduced as the new FSO-FN
DCDR Richard Jones addressed the assembly and commented on the good work of Flotilla 2-1.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
Many Certificate Awards were presented for various achievements
The following Flotilla Annual Recognition Awards were presented for service performed in 2016:
PAYNE MEMORIAL AWARD – Everett L. Henry II The John Payne Award, established in 1971, to be awarded to the person who has contributed the most in the field of education, both Public Education and Membership Training, together or separately.
JOHN E. “Pete” GASKILL AWARD – Susan J. Polans The John E. Gaskill Award, established in 1973, is to be awarded to the person contributing the most to the Vessel Examination Program. The total number of examinations conducted should be considered, but not be the only criteria for receiving this award.
BENSON-WRIGHT OPERATIONS AWARD – Billy Thornton An Operational Award, established in 1973 and renamed the Benson-Wright Operations Award in 1984, for the person contributing the most in the field of Operations. Participating in or skippering the most patrols in a season should be considered, but not be the only criteria for receiving this award.
FLOTILLA COMMANDERS AWARD – John R. Byrne The Flotilla Commander's Award, established in 2001, is presented by the Flotilla Commander to a member of Flotilla 21 who has consistently shown a high level of dedication, commitment, and participation in Coast Guard Auxiliary programs, missions and activities.
ALLEN J. BINGHAM SEAMANSHIP AWARD – Winslow S. Pillsbury The Allen J. Bingham Seamanship Award, established in 2001, is named in honor of Allen J. "Bing" Bingham who has served the Flotilla 21 Operations Program with an extraordinary level of professionalism and dedication. The award is presented to a qualified member of the Operations Program who has demonstrated high standards of seamanship, safety, and professionalism.
L. BRADFORD THOMPSON NEW MEMBER AWARD – Gerard F. Moore The L. Bradford Thompson New Member Award, established in 2001, is named for Past Division Captain L. Bradford Thompson who has given of his time, his expertise, and his fellowship to countless new members of Flotilla 21. This award is presented to a member of Flotilla 21, who during the first year of membership, has demonstrated dedication and commitment to the missions of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and to the principles outlined in the New Member Prologue and Pledge.
TEAM COAST GUARD AWARD – Kenneth A. Caprio The Team Coast Guard Award, established in 2001, is presented to a member of Flotilla 21 who has demonstrated a strong commitment to the ideal of Team Coast Guard through direct Coast Guard operational support.
FLOTILLA GOLD AWARD – BM1 Robert Guerin The Flotilla Gold Award, established in 2001, is presented to an Active Duty or Reserve member of Team Coast Guard who has made a significant contribution to the programs and missions of Flotilla 21.
BOAT CREW TRAINEE OF THE YEAR AWARD – Stuart R. Gelder The Boat Crew Trainee of the Year Award, established in 2001, is presented to a trainee in the Boat Crew Program who has shown aptitude, proficiency, and a sincere desire to advance to qualification.
FLOTILLA RECOGNITION AWARD PUBLIC SERVICE – Peter Poulin The Flotilla Recognition Award in Public Service, established in 2001, is presented to an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to public service activities of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and to youth education programs in particular.
FLOTILLA RECOGNITION AWARD MARINE SAFETY – Susan J. Polans The Flotilla Recognition Award, MARINE SAFETY, established in 2014 is awarded each year to the Flotilla Member contributing the most to the Flotilla's Efforts in the field of Marine Safety. The number of Commercial Fishing Vessel Examinations, Uninspected Passenger Vessel Examinations, Maritime Observation Missions, and Harbor Patrols will be considered, but will not be the only items taken into consideration when granting the award.
FLOTILLA RECOGNITION AWARD PROGRAM VISITOR – Gerard F. Moore The Flotilla Recognition Award, PROGRAM VISITOR, established in 2014 is awarded each year to the Flotilla Member contributing the most to the Program Visitor Program. The total number of Program Visits is considered but is not the only criteria considered for this award.
FLOTILLA RECOGNITION AWARD NAVIGATION SYSTEMS – Billy Thornton The Flotilla Recognition Award, Navigation Systems, established in 2014 is awarded each year to the Flotilla Member contributing the most to the Navigation Systems Program. The total number of Aids to Navigation Verified is considered but is not the only criteria considered for this award.
FLOTILLA SUPPORT SERVICE AWARD – Everett L. Henry II The Flotilla Support Service Award, established in 2014 is awarded each year to the Flotilla Member contributing the most to the Information Service, Communications Service, Publications, Materials, Financial, Human Resources, Secretary Records Programs, or Member Fellowship Activities.
New Award Established
FLOTILLA HOMEPORT AWARD – Maroudia Byrne The Flotilla Homeport, to be awarded to the person who has contributed the most to the Casco Bay Flotilla through their support and assistance of a Casco Bay Flotilla Member in the performance of their duties. This award is intended to recognize a significant friend, spouse, or family member who through their efforts and assistance have allowed a Casco Bay Flotilla Member to make an extraordinary contribution to the Casco Bay Flotilla, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, or the United States Coast Guard.
Remarks from Membership
Good of the Auxiliary
Ann Manning will be helping to fix the website for hours
Rusty Scupper is being remodeled we will let the venue be announced for our next meeting.
September Flotilla Meeting: Speaker will be Ms. Linda L. Grotton of the U.S. Navy League.
The Navy League is a Non Profit, Educational, Advocacy organization that supports all of the
Sea services. Linda will share how the Navy League works with the U.S. Coast Guard.
Adjourn: 21:00
Meeting: July Flotilla Meeting
Meeting: June Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday June 12th 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Rusty Scupper-Coast Guard Base South Portland
Uniform: Tropical Blue; ODU, or Civilian attire
Theme: Portland Fire Department –Marine Division
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (VFC)
Peter Poulin VFC called the pledge.
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
John Byrne VC introduced KC WarEagle who transferred into our Flotilla from California. KC shared her excitement about our Flotilla being busy she is looking forward to working with us.
Lorelle Courtois FSO-HR introduced 10 newest members to Flotilla 2-1
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
John Byrne welcomed all the New Members and Guest. Thanked everyone for working the Walking The Working Waterfront. He was pleased with WGME Media Day. He recognized Alan Atkins for bringing the Auxiliary to the attention of WGME. Stephen Shane did a wonderful job doing proper flare use. Commended Lorelle Courtois for doing a great recruiting job with possibly 35 new recruits. Hundreds of people came through. Frank Connelly did 41 Vessel Exams. We will be sending a Thank You letter to WGME. We are looking forward to next year. He encouraged everyone to go to MYCGAUX. to sign up for Events and come to Flotilla Meeting. He suggested a few job opportunities. He is looking for volunteers for the Picnic. Reminded the people to put in their time.
Comments from Flotilla Vice Commander (FVC)
Peter Poulin FVC Thanked Alan Atkins and recognized the importance of everyone’s contribution to the event. He is looking for people to volunteer for a new speakers bureau designed to get the Auxiliary message out and to recruit. A committee has been formed to focus new member training and mentoring.
• Member Training Update from Eric Dexter FSO-MT
Flotilla Special Recognition Award- VFC
• Peter Poulin VFC thanked and presented a certificate of appreciation to Noel March for his hard work putting the WGME Day together. Noel March thanked everyone for their participation. A certificate was presented to Lorelle Courtois for her dedication and hard work during the event and recruiting efforts.
• Main Speaker: Capt. David Petruccelli and Capt. David Lord
• John Hume IPFC Introduced the Main Speakers. David Petruccelli has been in the Fire Department for 22 years he explained his journey through the years to where he is now. Capt, David Lord has been involved for 33 years but only 4 years with the Marine Division. He explained his journey and then both shared a history and overview of the Marine Division including photos of the 1st Fire boat a few others through the years as well as photos of the current fire boat.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
Richard Henry received his membership certificate and his FEMA 100 and 700
Remarks from Membership:
Dan Abbott has been seen out by himself and will be going back to work at the college
Good of the Auxiliary:
Great job by everyone Thank You.
July Flotilla Meeting –Flotilla Annual Picnic- Fort Williams.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-S
Meeting: May Flotilla Meeting
Meeting: May Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday May 8th 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Rusty Scupper-Coast Guard Base South Portland
Uniform: Tropical Blue; ODU, or Civilian attire (ODU Sleeves rolled up)
Theme: “Flying High In The Auxiliary”
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (VFC)
VFC Peter Poulin
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
FC John Byrne and IPFC John Hume send their regrets.
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
Posting of Staff Minutes, Flotilla Meeting Minutes and Staff Officers Reports:
FSO-CS Everett Henry explained all minutes and reports will be on the web site in a secured area and explained how to find the information. He encouraged everyone to go the website and read the minutes. They will no longer be discussed at the monthly Flotilla Meetings.
Update of Flair Disposal Legislation:
VFC-Peter Poulin reported that House of Representatives passed the Flare Disposal Legislation. The Senate approved it without any issue. It will then go to the Governor for signature or veto. There has been much effort on this legislation over the last 16 months.
WGME Media Day- Event update:
FSO-PA Noel March announced the Annual Walking the Working Waterfront will be held June 10th. The Auxiliary will be working alongside the enlisted USCG personnel. The 110’ Ocracoke cutter will be on exhibit at the Moorings and open to the public. The Auxiliary will feature 4 exhigits featuring Operation facilities, recruitment table and Coastie. WGME will be broadcasting live all day and showcasing the USCG Auxiliary. Vessel Safety Checks will be offered at Dimillo`s all day and will be featured as well by WGME.
Search for a Secretary and other officers Assistants:
VFC Peter Poulin explained how important it is to find someone to fill FSO-Secretary position and the associated responsibilities. Recruitment for this position and other officer assistant positions will be ongoing to create depth in the officer staffing.
USCG Auxiliary Ambassador initiative:
All members are encouraged to be Ambassadors for the Auxiliary and to take advantage of a is a Power Point Presentation on the National Website.
Proper Uniform Reminder:
All members are reminded to be highly respectful of the uniform we wear and what it represents. It should always be proudly worn in strict compliance with the uniform standards put forth in the manual..
Time Reporting statistics:
Members are reminded to report their time regularly and how important that is to funding of the Auxiliary. Form 7029I is now the preferred time reporting form.
• Main Speaker: Mr Marshal Hewitt- Flotilla 28 Portsmouth
Topic: Aviation in the Auxiliary:
• Mr Marshal Hewitt has been a private pilot for 35 years. He holds USA and Japanese pilot license. Marshal explained the history, how AUXAIR worked and what you needed to do to be part of this program. He showed some photos of the different airplanes that are being used, some of the ports that they watch over. He has flown on a lot of missions and his experiences were very interesting.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
VFC Peter Poulin and Past VFC Dennis Morelli
Angela Dexter FEMA 100 & 700
FSO-MT Eric Dexter Instructor, Program Visitor, FEMA 100 &700
Stuart Gelder Marine Safety Environmental Protection, Good Mate Exam, Marine Safety Training program.
Remarks from Membership:
FSO_MA Ken Caprio received the District Captain North Award it means (ready willing and able anytime anywhere) also Richard Robichard received the Uninspected Passenger Vessel Award for Flotilla 2-1. They each received these awards from District.
Good of the Auxiliary:
Peter Doria`s brother Anthony passed away a card has been sent.
FSO-PV Paul Standridge would like more people to get involved in Program Visitor. He explained that qualification is attained by doing an online course and some accompanied vendor visits. He needs more if found stickers.
Clynk bags will be handed out.
Stephen Shane will be offering a CPR class for the Enlisted Side Mid to late June. Any interested Auxiliary members should contact Stephen to confirm available space.
There are Paddle program brochures for VE`s to pass out at marinas
June Flotilla Meeting Special Speaker: Portland Fire Department and Fire Boat
Adjourn: 21:00
Respectfully Submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-SR
Meeting: April Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday April 10th 2017
Time: 1900
Attendance: 33
Location: Rusty Scupper-Coast Guard Base South Portland
Uniform: Tropical Blue; ODU, or Civilian attire
Theme: Marine Surveying and Consulting
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (FVC)
FVC Peter Poulin:
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
FC John Byrne: Introduces our newest member Rev. George Van Syckel, his wife Victoria, Stuart and Lynn Sayers and Jim Talbot. Some could not make it tonight, he shared a letter from Gus Leblanc, he is an IT instructor, wants to say all is well, will be involved when he can renew his membership.
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
FC John Byrne: asked everyone to acknowledge each other and say hi. He expressed how important our meetings are and life does get in the way, we should plan on the second Monday of every month. He wants to thank all staff officers for their time and reports. Job well done. He reminded everyone that June 10th will be WGME Day. Channel 13 will be broadcasting from 3 locations highlighting the Auxiliary and the Coast Guard. The FC asked that all consider helping on that day. The Coast Guard Open House, Walk the Working Water Front will also be merged into the June 10th event. April 22nd will be the Division 2 Member Training Day. The FC explained what was being offered and encouraged everyone to get involved in classes that fit their needs. It was pointed out that certain email addresses do not receive the All Hands so that needs to be resolved. A story was shared about a heart attack and how important our CPR courses are. The 1st Northern Blood drive was discussed. FVC Peter Poulin wanted everyone to know how important it is to report their time monthly. He is starting a program so he can track when members are reporting. 7029I is the form to report on.
VFC Peter Poulin: Presented an update on the proposed Expired Flare Disposal Program. Wanted everyone interested in expressing an opinion to contact their representative now. He introduced Tony Therriault as the guest speaker for the evening.
• Oath of Membership to: Rev. George Van Syckel (FC)
• FC John Byrne: Invited Rev George Van Syckle to stand next to him along with USCG Chaplain Mark R. Simonsen George took his Oath and accepted membership in our organization.
• Prayer Offered by Chaplain Mark R. Simonsen U.S.C.G.
• Main Speaker: Mr. Tony Therriault – Therriault Marine Consulting:
He shared how he goes about his job. Very interesting, many questions were asked.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC)
Lorelle received her Aux FS specialist,
Richard Robichaud his Marine Safety Training Ribbon,
Billy Thornton his Marine Safety Training Ribbon, Uninspected passenger vessel.
Troy Levitt certificate Incident command 100, 700, 800.
Remarks from Membership:
Dan Abbot, doing well.
Good of the Auxiliary:
New Photos can be taken tonight to update ID cards. Dave Porrazzo will serve as an assistant to the Finance Offecer, Gerald Moore. All Mandated Training certificates and the attestation sheet are to be sent to District Training Member Officer, Rick Young. New Members were acknowledged. A vessel examination workshop is being put together more information to follow.
May Flotilla Meeting Special Speaker: Marshall Hewitt-Flotilla 28 Portsmouth.
Marshall will speak on the AUXAIR program and experiences.
Adjourn 21:00
Respectfully Submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-SR
Meeting: February Flotilla Meeting
Date: Monday February 20th 2017Time: 1900
Location: Rusty Scupper Coast Guard Station South Portland
Uniform: Winter Dress Blue; Tropical Blue; ODU
Theme: "February Fit-up”
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (FVC)
23 members attended
Introductions and Regrets for Absence (FC)
Stuart Gelder was sick.
Roland Weeman was in Florida.
Some called they had other commitments.
Comments from Flotilla Commander (FC)
FC John Byrne
Thank you to everyone for being there. The Accountability call out was discussed, we should all be prepared for when the call goes out, he has a great A-TEAM he is confident when the call goes out we will do our job. Please let us know (All IS WELL.)
George VanSyckle was affirmed as a new member. He is Chaplain for three police departments: South Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth. We are blessed to have George be part of our Flotilla and our Chaplain Program. Zachary Wiessner and Barry Stemm were recognized as new members.
VC Peter Poulin shared about the need to get depth in our Flotilla staff and invited members to consider helping as assistants to staff officers.
The Staff Officers Reports will no longer be presented at monthly meetings unless there is something important that the group should know. It was brought up if you are not a Staff Officer how would you know what was decided. Minutes will be posted to the flotilla website for members to read.
February Fit Up There are 3 presentations:
Staff Officers Presentations (VFC)
• Everett Henry- FSO-CM MYCGAUX
He showed how to navigate the site and how to do photos.
• Noel March FSO-PA Public Affairs Series. He wanted all to know that members need to go to MYCGAUX to volunteer for upcoming events: The Portland Boat Show, Saturday March 4th, 10:00-20:00, Maine Boat Builders Show Friday March 24th, 10:00-18:00, Saturday March 25th, 10:00-18:00, Sunday March 26th, 10:00-16:00, USCG Base Open House, Saturday May 20th, All Day, Scarborough Middle School Wellness Day Thursday May 25th, 9:00-13:30, WGME Vessel Safety Day Saturday June 10th All Day. The Auxiliary will be Showcased in the WGME event.
• Richard Robichaud FSO-IS: Consolidation of 7029-I / reporting of time. There is now one form to use to report your time and it needs to be done monthly. It is very important to report time as the Federal Government uses that information to determine our funding. Mentors can also help new members with their initial reports.
• Stephen Shane: Let everyone know he had three CPR classes planned, Saturday February 25th recertification, Saturday March 18th full Certification, Saturday April 22nd S-Train full certification.
Division Report and Remarks: Richard Jones –Division Commander 1NR Div2
The Eagle is returning in August. May 7th the District awards luncheon will be held in Lawrence Mass, Richard Robichaud, Ken Caprio were asked to be there. A special Paddle Craft instructor will be available at our S-Train on April 22nd and at the USCG Open House May 20th. He will be looking to certify 25 instructors. There is some discussion about qualifying paddle craft and kayaks as vessels. Sail Boston is June 22 and they are looking for crew, coxswains and telecommunication personnel. Ken Caprio was asked about gate duty he has 8 trained but only two are available. Byron Moe sends his regrets he was not able to attend.
Special Awards Presentations: Richard Jones – DCDR
The Flotilla was presented the award for 2016 best Flotilla of the year. John Byrne for best Auxiliarist of the year, Gerry Moore Sector Northern New England new member of the year.
Flotilla Awards: (FC) (VFC There were many awards handed out. Everyone was very happy to be acknowledged. FSO-MS Susan Polans explained what one needs to do to earn the Trident award.
Remarks from Membership:
Good of the Auxiliary:
John Maxim had open heart surgery and is doing well.
James Boselli had knee surgery and is doing well.
It was suggested to reach out to Frank Leavitt and Dan Abbott
Paddle Smart There will be Training at our next S-Train in April.
We will need a Quorum at our next meeting to vote on the budget.
March Flotilla Meeting Special Speaker: Lee Humiston- Curator Maine Military Museum
And Learning Center
We will be holding our March meeting at the Maine Military Museum And Learning Center, 50 Peary Terrace South Portland - go to MYCGAUX for direction.
Adjourn 21:00