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Russell Malone - FSO-SR

Russell Joseph Malone
Cell: 847-542-6601
E-Mail: [email protected]
2022 Minutes

Russell Joseph Malone, FSO-SR (Secretary/Records)

     Recently retired as a Chicago area HR consultant, I spend my winters here in beautiful Naples, Florida. As a long-time sailor, I have always enjoyed everything about boating and the ocean so joining the Flotilla was a great way to remain active in recreational boating, connect with others with a similar passion and helping all from novice to veteran boaters enjoy the sport safely.

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As Flotilla Staff Officer – SR I am responsible for the recording and publication of the minutes of our monthly Flotilla meetings and maintaining a current roster of our members, now numbering over 90! I also assist with our Flotilla elections and maintain a close liaison with the Division Staff Officer Secretary/Records.

Since membership in the Coast Guard Auxiliary provides as much opportunity to contribute as a member desires, I am also part of the Vessel Examination and Partner Visitation teams, two missions which are core to supporting safety on the water.


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