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Flight Planning Forms

Wed, 29 Jan 14   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

FAA Flight Plan Form <PDF Form>

FAA flight plan form - with Air Station additions <Docx>

Risk Assesment Form <PDF Form


Here is the flight plan package that I (Ted) deliver to the Airstation.  This is the proposal that I discussed a little bit at the 2014 SWET session

Sample Flight Plan Package. Download to your local hard drive. change them to reflect your name and plane, the store them there for later use.

MS-Word Document <docx

MS-Word Template <DOTX

Post Flight Report Template

Tue, 15 Mar 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

Post Flight Report Templates

Plain MS Word Doc File: <DOCX>

MS Word Template file: <DOTX>

Note: depending on your browser, you may need to download the files and load them from your local hard drive. 

Certificate In Lieu of Receipt

Sun, 04 Nov 18   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

Every once and a while I lose a fuel receipt. Usually when I use a self serve fuel station and I forget to fish the receipt out of the stand. 

I found an old D8CR document that includes a "Certificate in Lieu of Receipt".  The document is 20 years old but I was not able to find an update.  The form seems reasonable so I am including it here but check with your AUXLO when/if you use it.  I include a scan of my credit card bill to show that I actually spent money at the airport. Hope it helps



You can not fill this form in your browser. You HAVE to download the digital form and open it using Adobe

<PDF digital form with digital signature>


Kneeboard Form

Sun, 24 Apr 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

I have developed my own Knee-board form.  This is the form that I use for my USCG Aux Missions.  This is not an official form and there is no requirement to use it. I am making it available with the hopes that it will be useful to other Aux Pilots.

Knee-board Form (ver 4.1) <PDF> <DOCX> for Aux Missions

note: for some reason the DOCx file displays as two pages, however, if you download the file and open it in MSword it will be only one page.

Since I have one for general flights I figured that I would post it

Ted's Knee-board Form(ver4.1) <PDF> <DOCX>