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To Access the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Float Plan Central and learn more go to Float Plan Central

What is a Float Plan? 

The USCG Float Plan is a state-of-the-art lifesaving device that is used by search and rescue personnel to assist in reducing the search area in order to locate you in the shortest amount of time possible. It is also the first and only float plan that guides and directs the holder of your float plan on what to do via the exclusive Boating Emergency Guide.

Why Prepare a Float Plan?

The answer is simple... there are just too many
facts that need to be accurately remembered and ultimately conveyed in an
emergency situation. Without a float plan you are counting on someone else, a
friend, neighbor, or family member to remember detailed information that rescue
personnel need in order to find you. Information that can make a difference in
the outcome.

Who should prepare a float plan?

Don't think for a minute that this is a device
only for those with big expensive boats. The USCG Float Plan is equally
effective for the owner of a 10 foot kayak or flat-bottom skiff as it is for a
48-foot express cruiser, or a 90 foot sport-fishing vessel or luxury yacht. So,
what kind of boaters prepare float plans?

Typically, the Skipper of the vessel is the individual who prepares the Float Plan. However, any member of the crew can be assigned the preparation and filing duty. If you are a crew member, coordinate the preparation and filing of the Float Plan with your Skipper.

Keeping up-to-date

Float Plan Central periodically updates the USCG
Float Plan to reflect the latest improvements in both boating safety and search
and rescue practices and technology.  Consequently, every time you
download a copy of the USCG Float Plan, you are assured of getting the most
up-to-date lifesaving device available.

To Access the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Float Plan Central and learn more go to Float Plan Central