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As soon as possible after the annual election, the FC-and VFC-elect should begin getting ready for next year. This involves recruiting FSO’s, completing required CG forms, preparing a draft flotilla budget, soliciting goals from FSO’s, preparing for monthly Division meetings, making member training a priority, welcoming new members, and planning for the year ahead.


  • Recruit Flotilla Staff Officers
    • Attempt should be made to fill all vacant FSO positions.
    • At a minimum, 23-01 must fill: FSO’s SR, FN, IS, HR and MT
    • Solicit budget requests from FSO’s in advance of preparing the budget.
  • Complete CG Form ANSC 7007 – Annual Unit Officers Report
  • Complete CG Form ANSC 7025 – Financial Report of Auxiliary Unit
    • Page 1 – completed by FSO-FN - The purpose of the financial report is to provide an annual accounting of all funds received, disbursed, and retained by each unit. It is completed in conjunction with the annual audit of the unit financial records. It also used to transfer responsibility and accountability of unit funds upon change of FSO-FN or FC.
    • Page 2 – completed by FSO-MA – The purpose of the Unit Inventory Record is to provide an annual accounting of all property and equipment owned by or in the custody of each unit. It is also used to transfer responsibility and accountability of the unit’s property upon change of FSO-MA or FC.
    • FC submits to DIRAUX NLT 31 JAN
    • PDF Forms for Auxiliarists are available at:
    • Example a7025 Form

  • Prepare the Flotilla Budget
    • The FC, with input from the VFC, and the Budget Committee will prepare a draft annual budget to be presented to the flotilla for approval at the JAN meeting.
    • Example Flotilla Budget

  • Solicit goals in early January from FSO's and prepare a goals statement for the year ahead.
  • Share FC, VFC, and FSO’ Goals for the year with the flotilla in advance of the JAN flotilla meeting; and with the DCDR and VDCR.

  • Prepare for Monthly Division Meetings
    • Division Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month in Chesapeake Beach.
    • The FC will attend a monthly Division meetings to serve as a member of the Division 23 Board along with other FC’s in the Division. You will be asked each month to submit a report on 23-01 actions and upcoming activities and participate in decision-making on behalf of 23-01. If the FC is unable to attend a monthly Division meeting, the VFC or IPFC may attend in his or her place.
    • Get to know the flotillas that make up Division 23: 23-01 Annapolis; 23-02 Solomon’s; 23-03 West Annapolis; 23-04 South River; 23-06 Drum Point and 23-07 – Herring Bay.

  • Make Member Training a Priority – “From Good to Great”
    • While it is always good to invite a few speakers to flotilla meetings for variety, emphasis on member training during flotilla meetings is a priority. This is how we go from “Good to Great” in helping to support the USCG.

  • Welcome New Members
    • Dedicated time should be spent upfront by FSOs-HR and MT; the FC and VFC and flotilla members to welcome our new members aboard and ensure they have a mentor and the direction he or she needs to be a successful 23-01 flotilla member.
    • Consider taking a picture of new members being sworn into the USCG Auxiliary and share that picture with them, along with a short bio about the new member and their interests in the auxiliary going forward with the flotilla. This helps us to get to know new members and for them to connect to members with similar interests.
    • Consider having a “Uniform Items Swap” during Fellowship at one flotilla meeting where members can share uniform items in good condition that they no long need.
    • Ask new members for some information about themselves then share that info with the Flotilla. Examples of things to ask are:
      • Current or former occupation
      • Anything you want to share with the flotilla about you
      • Why you joined the auxiliary
      • Your interests in the auxiliary going forward

  • Planning for the Year Ahead
    • What do you want to accomplish?
    • What training do the members need? Who can lead the training? 
    • Who should be invited as guest speakers? 
    • How can we best leverage our resources to support CG missions?

  •    Review DIRAUX Task Tracker
    • Go over currently open and recently closed tasks in the latest Task Tracker
    • FC/VFC should monitor the Task Tracker bi-monthly to keep up to date on DIRAUX tasks
    • Example DIRAUX Task Tracker