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Privately owned Auxiliary vessels and aircraft staffed by capable and well-trained volunteers provide response capability on and off the lake in the Lake Lanier area .
Mission activities are supported by a Communications Center and tower located in Flowery Branch, Georgia and other mobile communications.Boating Safety Public Education
We provide exceptional boating safety education to the Atlanta public with the aim of reducing loss of life, personal injury and property damage to recreational boaters.
All of our interactive classes are taught live by highly trained instructors with years of boating experience on Lake Lanier.
Classes are offered monthly during the months of February-October
Public Affairs
Working at boat shows and other events are some of the ways that Flotilla 29 spreads the boating safety message to the public.
Our Facebook page and other social media tools enable us to keep the boating public informed about boating safety and other recreational boating matters .
Presentations are made upon request to bass fishing clubs, scout troops, churches and other community organizations.
Vessel Examination
Safe boaters will have an annual vessel safety check done for free by a trained Auxiliary member. It is done at most any dock or a convenient boat ramp.
If problems are found, the boater gets a complete checklist of what it will take to bring the vessel up to par. There is no reporting of discrepancies to any third party. It is all done to help keep you safe on the water. If the vessel passes the safety check a colorful decal is awarded.USCG Pipe Band

The U. S. Coast Guard Pipe Band is not an official part of the United States Coast Guard but is recognized by the U. S. Coast Guard as an affiliated organization. Its membership is comprised of active duty, reserve and Auxiliary members.
Program Visitors

Auxiliarists visit specific dealers regularly to supply them with boating safety information and material. Dealers also help promote boating safety through publicizing local Auxiliary public education courses and Vessel Safety Checks.
Marine Safety

Members of Flotilla 2-9 work in three programs of the overall Auxiliary marine safety area. These programs are: Living Marine Mammals Resources, Good Mate Education and America's Waterway watch. Periodic marine safety training is conducted for members interested in these programs and in becoming qualified in the marine safety area.
Food Service Support

Serving as cooks at Coast Guard stations and cutters is another way Flotilla 2-9 members support the active duty and reserve components. After a Basic Food Service(AuxFS Basic) class and some medical shots and paperwork members work to get qualified as Food Service Specialists. After qualification they are able to work across the U.S. ashore and deployed at sea. AuxFS members often fill-in for active duty CSs when they are off on leave or training. We work side-by-side with our active duty counterparts. It is a great way to serve.