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So now, you have shown that you live our Core Values: Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty. You have shown that to you, these are not just words, but a code to live by. You have embraced our flotilla's principles and character. You have gained quite a bit of experience and  you have mastered certain disciplines and skills. And you are ready to step up and serve as an officer. Make your interests known to your flotilla elected officials.

Flotillla 67 is fortunate in having a strong core of members who have served in flotilla, division and district leadership positions for many years and over many disciplines. Many of our members are past flotilla commanders and division officers, greatly enriching the experience for our members.  And this is a source of humility and democracy, in that today we might be a member and tomorrow we may lead. Or we may lead today and tomorrow we return to following. It is an amazing organizational dynamic. 

We are also exceptional in that no matter what our personal opinions might be, we work hard to support our elected leaders, and we always come together to support each other and our appointed officers. Finally, we have continuity in the continued support of our "elders" , members with 20, 30 and over 40 years in the auxiliary.

So, 67 has a rich legacy to offer you as you decide to go up the chain of leadership.

Flotilla aFSO (Appointed) >

     Flotilla Staff Officer (Appointed) >

          Flotilla Elected Officer >

               Division Staff Officer (Appointed) >

                    Division Elected Officer >

                         District Staff Officer (Appointed) >

                              District Elected Officer


This is a great entry level for most positions. As an apprentice, aFSO. you have the opportunity to learn from your role model, by participating and by studying material without the full responsibility of an FSO. It gives you the time to become completely familiar with the resources available to you and to master the material for the position of FSO.

To learn about the roles of the FSOs so that you can eventually become one, take a moment to watch this presentation:





If you have been an apprentice to one or more FSOs, you may be ready to take on the role of an FSO. The FSO becomes the subject matter expert, coordinates and executes the plan for the year, mentors and trains the team, and learns how to delegate effectively, eventually grooming his/her successor. The FSOs report to the VFC and maintain proactive communications with each other. Currently, the FC of Flotilla 67 appoints the following 17 FSOs. Do take a look at the video immediately above.

  • FSO-CM TeleCommunications
  • FSO-CS Communications Services
  • FSO-DV Diversity 
  • FSO-FN Finance
  • FSO-HR Human Resources
  • FSO-IS Information Services
  • FSO-MA Materials
  • FSO-MS Marine Safety
  • FSO-MT Member Training
  • FSO-NS Navigation Systems
  • FSO-OP Operations
  • FSO-PA Public Affairs
  • FSO-PB Publications
  • FSO-PE Public Education
  • FSO-PV Marine Dealers Visitor Program
  • FSO-SR Secetary of Records
  • FSO-VE Vessel Exams

(Hyperlink to position letters, definitions and to staff listing).

Flotilla 67 welcomes your interest in the FSO positions. 



You have shown you can think strategically and can delegate.  You are a good communicator, think of others before yourself, are organized and can plan and carry out the plan, and you are dedicated. You work well with others and have some relationship with Station Miami Beach and the other flotilla FCs. You are ready to take on additional responsibilities and dedicate the time to do so well.

The Flotilla Commander is the leader of the flotilla. He or she, in consultation with the VFC, appoints all FSOs and aFSOs, plans flotilla strategy and sets the goals and objectives for the year. The FC represents the flotilla as a voting member of the division and interacts with the chain of leadership. The FC is attuned with the membership and the public and provides input up the chain of leadership to seek support for the flotilla. The FC exerts every effort to recognize contributors and present them with appropriate Awards for their service. The FC leads by example and works hard to attract new members and incorporate them into the life of the flotilla. 

The Flotilla Vice Commander is the Chief of Staff and the right hand to the FC. He or she leads the staff officers by coordinating, advising and motivating to accomplish the goals and objectives of the flotilla for the year. The VFC mentors the FSOs to help them develop their teams and delegate responsibility growing the cadre of qualified officers. The FSOs report up the chain of leadership to the VFC, exertting every effort to collaborate as a team member.


Both officers start with mastery of our "Bible" the Auxiliary Manual.


This Manual establishes policies and procedures for all Coast Guard members who are involved with the administration of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, including Auxiliarists, military, and civilian personnel.All Coast Guard unit commanders, commanding officers, officers-in- charge, deputy/assistant commandants, and chiefs of headquarters staff elements shall comply with the provisions of this Manual. This manual is referred to as our "Bible". if it is not written here, it does not exist. Familiarity by all members is very important to be able to know and to follow our rules and guidelines.  





As a staff officer, it is critical to develop your leadership and management toolbox so you can be effective in your role either at the district, division, or flotilla level. We've chosen the four (4) most relevant out of seven (7) courses from the FEMA Emergency Management Institute Professional Development Series that provide developmental training, skills, and tools useful in any staff officer role (or any role/job outside of the Auxiliary).

We recommend that you complete these courses in this recommended order of completion starting with IS-240.b - Leadership & Influence as this course provides a baseline of training on how to lead teams and collaborate with others to achieve your shared goals: 

  1. IS-240.b - Leadership & Influence
  2. IS-241.b - Decision Making and Problem Solving
  3. IS-242.b - Effective Communication
  4. IS-244.b - Developing and Managing Volunteers


The following resources may be useful to you as a staff officer:

AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer: One of the Auxiliary's most-heavily used applications, this database can help users search for specific members singly or via unit or office, generate a roster, produce email lists, and more. If you are a new staff officer, this is one of the most useful resources you can have in your toolbox. Similarly, the Skills Bank  can help users locate Auxiliarists who possess specific skill sets, hold a particular office, or a current PQS. Additional information can be found here.

AuxInfo: This database allows all staff officers to obtain individual and unit statistical information such as mission hours, awards received, etc. derived from AuxData, the limited access web-based management tool used to capture and report Auxiliary operational and administrative activity.

AuxMan:  This document establishes policies and procedures for all Coast Guard members who are involved with the administration of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, including Auxiliarists, military, and civilian personnel. This link points to the latest version of the instruction that includes the latest addenda.National Staff Guidebook. Though the audience of this publication is the National Staff, all staff officers can glean good information on how to find success as a staff officer as well as gain insight into the world of the National Staff from this guidebook.


The path of Elected and Appointed Officials continues up the chain of leadership to the Division level.

DIVISION STAFF OFFICERS - APPOINTED (SO): You have served as FSO, maybe you would like to broaden the geographic responsibility across the flotillas of the division and serve as SO for the division in your specialty. This path offers learning, networking and leadership opportunities at the division level. Flotilla 67 encourages its members to serve as division SOs. This not only provides leadership to others, but brings back to 67 increased knowledge of how other flotillas achieve their objectives and how they operate.

DIVISION OFFICERS - ELECTED: Having served as FC, you are now ready to take on a much broader role in guiding and leading the Division. The next step is to be elected as a Division Vice Commander and eventually a Division Commander. You are entering the world of politics now and we wish you well.


Resources for additional information may be found in:

AUXLMS provides the flexibility for Auxiliarists to access additional training material anywhere and anytime on a personal computer.  






Leaders exert every effort to recognize the work of our volunteers with appropriate Awards and Recognition. As unpaid volunteers, Auxiliarists are compensated with recognition for a job well done. This is done through awards and other forms of recognition. A key role of FC leadership is to ensure that all members are properly recognized for their contributions. 

AUXILIARISTS AWARDS. Coast Guard Auxiliarists. As stipulated in Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series), Auxiliarists are eligible to receive Coast Guard Unit Awards, the Meritorious Team Commendation, and the Special Operations Service Ribbon, in addition to Auxiliary-specific awards. See Chapter 3, Unit Awards, for additional information.