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What is the proper mission code for admin and training hours?

There has always been a great deal of confusion about what hours should be posted in AuxData and which code to place the hours under. Below is an explanation that will provide guidance in this regard for most administrative hours.


 AUXILIARY LEADERSHIP: Report all time spent by elected and appointed staff performing National, District, Division, and Flotilla position duties. This includes all time spent for preparation and travel for these duties.


RECREATIONAL BOATING SAFETY (RBS) SUPPORT: Report all time spent in RBS Support that is not otherwise reported on a 7030, 7038, 7039, or 7046. This includes all time for preparation and travel in support of missions reported on 7030, 7038, 7039, and 7046.


Marine Safety (MS) Support: Report all time spent in MS Support that is not otherwise reported on a 7030 or 7038. This includes all time for travel in support of Marine Safety and Marine Environmental Protection.


TRAINING SUPPORT: Report all time spent in Training Support that is not otherwise reported on a 7030 or 7039. Any hours spent as a Trainee, other than attending a workshop, should be reported here. This includes all time for preparation, study, homework, and travel regardless of the level of training.


AUXILIARY ADMINISTRATIVE/LOGISTICAL SUPPORT: Report all time spent for Auxiliary and CG Support missions not otherwise reported on any other form or any other Mission Code above. Include all time working on committees or attending meetings (if you are not an elected or staff officer.) This includes all time for preparation and travel.

Should you have any questions email me or one of the Bridge Officers. Thank you