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Elected Officers of Division 130-10 are expected to complete a Monthly Report summarizing the activities of the Flotilla that they oversee. It is each elected officers responsibility to submit this monthly report to the Division Commander and Vice Commander in order to keep them informed of activity.


Typing up reports is a long and boring process,... so we have decided to make things a little bit faster and easier.




On the left side menu, you will see a menu item title "FC and VFC Reports"

When you click on this menu Item.... you should see any Elected Officer Position that you hold appear below this menu item. For instance, if you are the Flotilla Commander, you will see an item titled "FC".

Simply click on this menu item and it will open up a nice, simple form that you can fill out to submit your Monthly Report.

In the top section, it will display the Elected Officer Position the report is for.

In the top section, be sure to fill in your Name and E-Mail Address. By doing this, you will receive a  copy of the completed report at the E-Mail Address you provided so that you can keep a copy for your records.

Also select the Month and Year that the report is covering.

In the lower section, simply fill out the report information. Once you have completed filling out the information, click on the "SUBMIT" button. This will automatically send a copy of the report to the Division Commander, Division Vice Commander and the Division Secretary/Records, as well as a copy to the E-Mail Address you entered at the top of the screen.