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Commander Steven Koch Image 

Message from the Commander

I am extremely honored to serve as the First District, Southern Region’s Auxiliary Director. Each and every day that I have served with you I am in awe of your Service to Nation, Duty to People, and Commitment to Excellence. We ask so much of you and your families, yet without fail you answer the call to duty with distinction. I am extremely proud of each of you and thrilled to have the opportunity to work together to advance America’s maritime interests. To that end, I will echo the First Coast Guard District Commander’s Guiding principles as it is vital that we all align to meet mission expectations.

Guiding Principles:

VIGILANCE: Everyone will stand a taut watch. We must at all times remain alert and focused. Risks are inherent in what we do so we must be diligent in managing those risks. We cannot become fixed in our operational assumptions and therefore need to constantly reassess our situational awareness. Inattention and complacency breed failure and put lives in jeopardy.

READINESS: We will embody our motto of Semper Paratus – Always Ready. We will maintain ourselves to the highest level of personnel, material, and operational readiness so that we can effectively employ resources to assigned missions and functions. We must engage in a process of constant learning and preparation so that we know our responsibilities, authorities, capabilities, and limitations. Everyone needs to encourage one another to complete their Core (Mandated) Training so we will be ready to meet mission demands.

LOYALTY: We must be worthy of America’s trust by adhering to our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. We will act with the utmost integrity. We will ensure positive climates where individuals are valued and respected.

UNITY: We will continue to build our network of partners to achieve greater mission effectiveness. We operate in a complex environment where unity of effort is mission essential. Federal, state, and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private industry each have a crucial role in ensuring maritime safety, security, and stewardship. Integrating the assets, capabilities, expertise, authorities, and resources of these other maritime stakeholders maximizes service to the public, gains operational efficiencies, and promotes trust. 

In summary, I understand that Service of our Nation as a Coast Guardsman and Coast Guard Auxiliarist can be extremely challenging, but it can also be fun. With that being said, I will do everything in my power to ensure everyone assigned to D1 Southern Region will be treated in a manner where we can continue to be the absolute best Auxiliary Region in the United States Coast Guard!

Thanks for all that you do, and Semper Paratus!!

Very Respectfully,

 CDR Steven Koch Signature

CDR Steven Koch

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