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MAR 17, 2020

Given all that is going on with the virus and surrounding events, I thought it would be a good time to let everyone know what is going on. I sent out an email to everyone a few days ago with some attachments from the Coast Guard and Auxiliary but wanted to provide you with more information.

In these very turbulent times, we all need to be concerned but must stay informed and take appropriate action. I can tell you the Coast Guard is very much on top of this and any alerts or other directives are being passed down. Which in turn, I will forward to all of you.  

As you saw, we are to stand down from any meetings until further notice so no Flotilla meeting on March 28 and no Division meeting on March 25. The latest word from Division is we are can still perform other duties such as Vessel Exams, Program Visits, Patrols, but we now have to clear any event, including Vessel Exams with the OIA (Order Issuing Authority at DIRAUX). We can no longer simply do and Assignment of Duty and go ahead on our own initiative. We have already canceled one patrol as well as canceling – postponed is more accurate - the next Public Education class (Sailing Skills which was to begin on March 25). Given that so many public events have been canceled, it is doubtful we will be doing any Public Affairs for a while. 

There is a lot of mis-information and plain panic out there so I urge you to get up-to-date and accurate information, such as it is. Things are moving so fast it is hard to know what is next but better to be equipped with the facts then being at the mercy of misinformed and plain inaccurate sources. One place to get such information is at This will take you to the CDC as well as the WHO websites. There is a very helpful FAQ section which is worth taking a look at:

In addition, they also have a website with information on the disease and how to take precautions at:

One other website you might find of interest is from World Life Expectancy where up-to-date statistics on the virus are posted frequently. Go to:

There is a potential for the stand-up of Incident Management Teams in response to the crisis. Any of you with Emergency Management expertise are encouraged to offer their availability through the COLM (Auxiliary Chain of Leadership and Management). Given this request, I ask that all of you go to your personal profiles in AUXDIRECTORY and make sure all of your skills and accreditations are up to date. The form is 7028 which can be done electronically as well as PDF. (You all had to fill out this form – Skills Bank Codes – when your filed your application). All of us had to take the ICS online exams e.g. 100, 200,
700, if I recall, which prepares us in the event we are needed for some local or national emergency.

During this time of limited activity, it would also be a good time to take the BQS exams if you haven’t already done so.

Keep checking at our website from time to time for any further information. I will also try and forward any important directives to you as they become available.

Meanwhile, follow the safety protocols and stay safe. 

Eric Gritzmacher
Flotilla Commander