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Annual Competency Currency Training & Tracking

Every competency in the Auxiliary has Annual Currency Requirements.  Some require specific missions or mission hours, and other require additional training courses and workshops.

This section will provide you with the currency requirements for the more common competencies, as well as provide you information on annual workshops and other required training such as TCT, BBP, etc.


Annual Competency Currency Reference Guide

Refer to the table below to ensure that you are meeting your annual currency requirements for your competencies. 

Annual Competency Currency Requirements
Competency  Missions/Mission Hours  Workshop   BBP   TCT 
ATON Verifier 1 Hr of MC30,31,32,33, or 34 - - YES
AUXCA 12 Hrs on Base or Cutter Required YES YES
AUXCT Re-Cert every 5 years
Click HERE for more details
- - -
Boat Crew(BCM) 12 Hrs "On Water Duty" Required YES YES
Coxswain 12 Hrs "On Water Duty" Required YES YES
Fingerprint Technician - - - -
Instructor/Public Education 2 Hrs of Instruction Recommended - -
Interpreter 5 Hrs of Instruction Recommended - -
Partner Visitation 4 Annual Visits Recommended - -
Public Affairs Specialist 16 Hrs - - -
PWC Operator 12 Hrs "On Water Duty" Required YES YES
TeleComms Operator(CM) - Recommended - -
UPV Examiner - Required - YES
Vessel Examiner 5 VSC Exams  Required - -


Annual Workshops, TCT, & BBP

This section will provide you information on this year's annually required Workshops, as well as information on Team Coordination Training(TCT) and the Blood Bourne Pathogen(BBP) required courses. Click HERE to view page.


Competency Currency & Inspection Tracking 

This page contains information and reports on how to track your competency's currency task requirements using both canned reports and navigating your AD2 record. This page also includes instruction on how to locate and track both your Uniform & PPE Inspection Statuses