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Continuing Leadership Education Banner
Continuing Leadership Education Curriculum Curriculum Banner


(PDF Format) (District Calendar)

The Continuing Leadership Education Curriculum proposed would consist of ten (12-15) courses, each 45-60 minutes (maximum) in duration, delivered virtually (Zoom) throughout the year. Topics would be relevant to both elected officers as well as appointed officers and are intended to bridge that divide, overlap to some extent and thus integrate the skills required to lead the people and the programs of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Topics are and scheduled classes are as follows: 

  1. Leadership in the 21st Century 
  1. Strategic Leadership: Having a Vision, Creating Goals, Developing Plans and Accomplishing Missions: Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty are the Values that underpin the Auxiliary. How do 21st Century Auxiliary Leaders develop a meaningful vision for their Divisions, Flotillas and Staff Functions; How are meaningful Goals Set and Plans developed for achieving those goals; and How do we ensure those goals and plans represent a practical, meaningful approach to ensuring the Auxiliary is indeed an effective CG “Force Multiplier”. Includes a focused discussion of Team Building and Team Work. 
  2. Courageous Leadership – Facing and Addressing Challenges, Change and Unforeseen Circumstances: Knowing who to surround yourself with, being able to face problems head-on, making difficult decisions and taking responsibility for them and the resulting outcomes; Understanding the concepts of moral and ethical leadership, doing what’s right in the face of pushback and critical commentary are important leadership characteristics as much in the Auxiliary as any other walk of life 

Instructors & date: Joseph Antonaccio

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  1. Managing Human Capital in the Auxiliary: 
  1. Multi-Generational Auxiliarists: Attracting, recruiting, motivating and managing recruits and members who span the range of generations from Baby Boomers to Generation Z. Understanding the challenges and opportunities the range of generations represents for the CG Auxiliary in the 21st Century and optimizing those assets for the benefit of the USCG, the Auxiliary and the Boating Public.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Generational differences are only one form of Diversity in today’s world. How the Auxiliary view and manage D&I to maximize value from its volunteer workforce and what are the potential pitfalls that leaders need to be aware of, avoid and manage productively in our changing social structures; a focused discussion of women, minorities in the Auxiliary and how to deal with the evolving definitions of “self” in the 21st Century. 

Instructor & date: Stephen Gillooly

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There is no class scheduled for Tuesday

  1. The Legal Landscape- What Auxiliary Leaders Need to Know: Leaders need to understand the legal issues and implications of their actions in certain situations, such as disciplinary cases and Standing Rules changes and policy development and  

Instructors: Herman Tietjen & Sean Peoples

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  1. MDA – Clean Water with an Anti-Terrorism Overlay: Understanding the integration of MDA, Focused Lens, HARPAT, and Marine Safety; the 20 year evolution of 9/11-inspired observe-and-report Auxiliary activities which fully support Active Duty personnel in the performance of their marine safety and security duties

Instructor: COMO Vincent Pica 

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  1. Civil Rights in the Auxiliary- Understanding, avoiding and addressing conflict. This class is designed to help leaders develop an appreciation for the importance of “civil rights” in the Auxiliary just as it is in life. Leaders need to understanding how to recognize problems, avoid, address and resolving conflict within their Flotillas and Divisions 

Instructor: Sherry Kisver

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  1. Aspirational Thinking -The Development of Self and Others in the Auxiliary: Aspirational thinking is to focus on developing one’s self and others to assume higher levels of leadership responsibility, i.e. moving up the Chain of Leadership as an elected officer or developing a deeper expertise to take on more functional responsibility in the organizational hierarchy. It means knowing and leveraging the tools and opportunities that allow leaders to bring energy and purpose to their roles so as to create meaningful value to Auxiliary programs that multiplies force effectiveness of the USCG. Aspirational thinking is thinking for the future and planning succession, ensuring the continuing value and longevity of the organization 

Instructor: Wesley Doody

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  1. Honor, Respect Devotion to Duty: Appearances make a first and lasting impression and are an importance element in conveying professionalism. Understanding the proper uniform for the occasion, knowing how to wear it properly and following proper protocols as a male or female member of the Auxiliary presents another leadership opportunity. Knowing and adhering to the requirements and meeting the expectations of the USCG is what helps to make the Auxiliary the professional organization it needs to be. In addition, discussion will focus on the Auxiliary’s Alternative Uniform. 

Instructor: Michael Klacik

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  1. Motivating and Leading a Volunteer Workforce: A workforce made up of volunteers represents its own unique challenges. Leaders in the CG Auxiliary need to understand and utilize a set of people management tools and management styles that may differ significantly from those employed in a more familiar work environment from which many of our leaders have come. Understanding the unique needs of volunteers who also represent multiple generations and diversity, brings a more complex challenge to leaders in the 21st Century Auxiliary; a focused discussion of the concept of “Servant Leadership” 

Instructor: William Dahl

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  1. Auxiliary Tools, Techniques and Reports: This class is designed to show leaders how to do thier Job with "maximum effect" not only the use of specific "technical" tools such as AuxData II, LUCI, the various Directorates, etc, but also by leveraging the experiences of others and understanding and using the Chain of Leadership.

Instructor: Peter Jensen

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  10.  Managing Human Capital in the Auxiliary:

  1. Multi-Generational Auxiliarists: Attracting, recruiting, motivating and managing recruits and members who span the range of generations from Baby Boomers to Generation Z. Understanding the challenges and opportunities the range of generations represents for the CG Auxiliary in the 21st Century and optimizing those assets for the benefit of the USCG, the Auxiliary and the Boating Public.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Generational differences are only one form of Diversity in today’s world. How the Auxiliary view and manage D&I to maximize value from its volunteer workforce and what are the potential pitfalls that leaders need to be aware of, avoid and manage productively in our changing social structures; a focused discussion of women, minorities in the Auxiliary and how to deal with the evolving definitions of “self” in the 21st Century. 

Instructor: Stephen Gillooly

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