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Comments From the Flotilla Commander to the Flotilla


Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary's Flotilla 3-15

The flotilla is the Auxiliary's basic unit. Every Auxiliarist is a flotilla member.

Flotilla 3-15 meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7 - 9 pm

There are two basic requirements for membership: (1) You must be a US citizen, and (2) you must be at least 17 years old.

There is also an SOP between The Boy Scouts of America's Sea Scouts program and the Auxiliary. Auxiliary membership is now available to any Sea Scout who is at least 14 years of age and is recognized as in good standing with the Sea Scouts program.

In the Saint Louis metropolitan area, the Coast Guard Auxiliary performs a wide array of missions ranging from Recreational Boating Safety (vessel examiner, marine dealer visitor) to Response (boat crew, coxswain, radio watchstander) to Prevention (Aids to Navigation Verifier, Marine Safety specialist) to Mission Support (Food Service specialist, Chaplain, Coast Guard Recruiter) just to name some. 

Free training opportunities are available in the above mentioned missions. There is no charge for tuition or books.

If you are Semper Paratus please contact us today to learn more.