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Welcome to Communications

The Auxiliary Communications Team (ACT) is composed of communications specialists who provide support and guidance to D1SR’s Divisions and Flotillas for the effective performance of their communications responsibilities.

ACT also provides expertise in the planning for communications events including providing personnel who are trained in the following:

  • Incident Management System (ICS), and
  • who are certified ICS Communications Leaders (COML)
  • and ICS Communications Technicians (COMT)

In certain situations, ACT becomes a first-line emergency communications provider, primarily when requested by regular Coast Guard commands. Other occurrences are where Auxiliary units are overwhelmed or under-staffed, specialized equipment and/or technical personnel are required, or communications interoperability with allied agencies is needed.

D1SR District Staff Officer for

Andrew Ely, DSO-CM
Email: [email protected]

 Communications Staff

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Administration
Valerie Ramsberger, ADSO-CM Admin
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Logistics
Aaron Forste, ADSO-CM Logistics
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications High Frequency
Fred Brown, ADSO-CM HFO
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Sector LI North
Greg Miller, ADSO-CM SLIS-N
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Sector NY North
Ken Fisher, ADSO-CM SNY-N
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Sector NY South
David Kotz, ADSO-CM-SNY-S
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Communications Projects
John Garmendi, ADSO-CM Admin
Email: [email protected]

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