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2022 Change of Watch

Receiving award at Change of Watch


Commanders being sworn in 

 Division Vice Commander (VCDR) Bob Bernier (left) and Division Commander (DCDR) Seth Hopkins (right) being sworn in.

Group photo 


Group photo 

Division 15 members taking oath of office.


Group photo 


AUX member receiving award 


AUX member receiving award 


Group photo 


AUX member receiving gift 

(Above 2022 photos courtesy of Lynn Enny.)










2019 Change of Watch

(Photos: Lynn Enny)

 Medal of Honor Recipient guest speaker Sammy Davis

 Medal of Honor Recipient guest speaker Sammy Davis


DCDR Charlie Pound presenting award to BMCS Charles Northcott 

DCDR Charlie Pound (right) presenting award to BMCS Charles Northcott


DCDR Richard Schnoor with Medal of Honor Recipient Sammy Davis 

 DCDR of Division 11 Richard Schnoor (left) with MOH Recipient Sammy Davis


Lee Townsend with Gary Slusher 

 Lee Townsend (left) and Gary Slusher

Division officers taking Oath of Office

Division 15 members taking Oath of Office


Left to Right: Commodore Mark Stone, Terry Tremblay, and Chris Hoffman 

(Left to Right) Commodore Mark Stone, Terry Tremblay, and Chris Hoffman



2015 Change of Watch

US Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 14-15 Color Guard at the 2015 Change Of Watch in Queensbury, NY