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Division 04 Meeting

Third Thursday at 1900 at Fly Away - Van Nuys, 7610 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406

Flotilla 04-01 Flotilla Meeting

First Monday at 1930 at 15107 Vanowen St., Van Nuys, CA 91405

Flotilla 04-03 Flotilla Meeting

First Tuesday at 1900 at College of the Canyons, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91355

Flotilla 04-05 Flotilla Meeting

Third Monday at 1900 at 1006 W. Magnolia, Burbank, CA 91506 

Flotilla 04-06 Flotilla Meeting

First Thursday at 1900 at Fly-Away-Van Nuys, 7610 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406

Flotilla 04-09 Flotilla Meeting

First Wednesday at 1830 at Fly-Away-Van Nuys, 7610 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406

Flotilla 04-10 Flotilla Meeting

Second Tuesday at 1800 at the US Army Reserve Center, 4101 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Division 4 calendar of events

 February  Townhall w/Commodore Bozarth 2/16/2023 
 March  Change of Watch


   Division Meeting  3/16/2023
 April  D-Train  4/14-16/2023
   Division Meeting  4/20/2023
 May  Division Meeting 5/18/2023
   Safe Boating Week 5/20-26/2023
   VE Blitz/PA Castiac (Flotilla 4-9) 5/20/2023
   Flag Placement V.A. Cemetery 5/27/2023
 June  Division Picnic...Location TBD  TBD



Due to the COVID 19 related stand-down, we are conducting all meetings virtually. There will be both an online and telephonic access to the meeting.

Members - Please access the meeting announcement in the Members Only section for login details.

Prospective Members / interested members of the public -

Please contact our human resources staff officer for access.