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Boat Crew Training at Lake George
(Photos: Charles Poltenson)
Surface Operations training gets underway on Lake George as Lynn and George Enny take out several boat crew trainees.
Charlie Pound, the Division Operations Officer lectures on Currency
Maintenance at the Surface Operations Day at Lake George.
(Photos: Pam Crane)
Jim Wilson (right) prepares to do a Vessel Safety Check at the annual General Clinton Canoe Race, a major canoe race that runs four days and covers from Cooperstown NY to Bainbridge, NY on the Susquehanna River. Auxiliary participation at this event is coordinated by Flotilla 15-09.
Charles Poltenson, Flotilla Commander of 15-04 checks paddles and life jackets prior to launching at the General Clinton Canoe Race.
Team that worked the Canoe Race at the end in Bainbridge.