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Boat Crew Documents and Resources

Posted by: Robert Kothe

Boat Crew Documents, Manuals and Resources

Since links and manuals are constantly being updated and replaced it will be futile to try to upload and link the latest manuals and resources. Below are links to the national and District websites where all of the resources originate:

Auxiliary Manuals:

A useful tip: In the Coast Guard Auxiliary Boat Crew is often referred to as “Surface Operations (or Opps). This is because some flotillas in the Coast Guard Auxiliary also utilize private airplanes to help with Coast Guard Auxiliary missions.  

Surface Operations Manuals:


The two most important downloads in the boat crew program are the:

1) Boat Crew Manual (Auxiliary Training Handbook – Boat Crew) Current Document Number: 16794.51B


2) The Sign-off Book (Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Handbook - Boat Crewmember, Coxswain, & Personal Watercraft Operator) – Current Document Number: 16794.52B

Since versions and links change often download theses from the Surface Operations Manuals Page Above


Uniform Resources: Sample ODU Uniform

Below is a link to Region 1 South uniform page. This is the most up to date source of uniform related content.

 Auxiliary Uniforms ( 

Fun fact: When we denote the following 014-22-01 to represent a Flotilla it translates to: 014 – is Region 1 and the 4 means South. (Not Region 14) 22 is Division 22 and 01 is Flotilla 01

In Boat Crew we most recently have used the ODU (Operational Dress Uniform) for patrols however it is likely that the region may soon switch to the AWU (Alternative Work Uniform) Region 1 South has recently approved the Hot Weather Uniform for patrols.

So which Uniform should you get first?

Since the term “Uniform” implies that people match each other, Ask you mentor or the Division Operations officer which is best to get. Most of us already have an ODU. Supplies are limited and the AWU will be the replacement, but we are really excited about the Hot Weather uniform for hot New York summer days.