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Boat Crew Resources

 All of the current manuals, drill sheets, and resources can be found on Boat Crew and QE Resources.  This is the best location to find the most up to date documents.

Boat Crew

Crew Qualification Guide 16794-52C Updated 20-Feb-2024

Boat Crew Training 16794-51A Updated 20-Feb-2024

Boat Crew Mentoring Template


Coxswain Qualification Guide 16794-53A

Coxswain SAR Reference Guide

Coxswain Mentoring Template

PWC Operator 

PWC Qualification Guide 16794-54A

Maintaining Currency 

Ops Currency Maintenance

Navigation Rules

Amalgamated International & U.S. Inland Navigation Rules

Active Duty Coast Guard Boat Crew Manuals

The following documents are the new Coast Guard boat crew training documents.  The Auxiliary Boat Crew Training manual will reference specific areas of the Active Duty Coast Guard Boat Crew Manual for further details.  Using the Crosswalk document in the table below will allow you to find that reference material in the replacement Boat Crew Handbook documents.  

BoatCrewHandbook BCH16114.1 Boat Operations Updated 11.06.22

BoatCrewHandbook BCH1611.2 Rescue and Survival Procedures Updated 11.06.22

BoatCrewHandbook BCK16114.3 Navigation and Piloting Updated 11.06.22

BoatCrewHandbook BCH1611.4 Seamanship Fundamentals Updated 11.06.22

BoatCrewHandbook BCH16114.5 First Aid Updated 11.06.22

CrossWalk - Boat Crew Seamanship Manual to new Crew Handbooks

Reference Documents 

Boat Crew Seamanship Manual 2003 COMDTINST M16114.5C (Discontinued, to be used as Reference only)