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Welcome to D11NR Aviation

AuxAir is an Auxiliary operational program, organized on a district level rather than on a flotilla and division basis.

AuxAir aviators have varied aviation backgrounds and many have prior military experience.

AuxAir aviators volunteer their aircraft for use as facilities, just as surface operators volunteer their boats.

 DSO-AV, Larry Olson
Larry Olson

District 11NR maintains an average of 10 aircraft facilities based in multiple locations from Reno, NV, to Sacramento, to the Bay Area and Watsonville.  We fly a variety of missions including:

  • Search and Rescue
  • Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security
  • Marine Safety
  • Pollution Response
  • Aids to Navigation
  • Logistics and other Special Requests

We also work with partner agencies such as NOAA and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife assisting in the protection of living marine resources and monitoring activities in marine sanctuaries and marine protected areas.

Auxiliarists involved in AuxAir take Auxiliary aviation training, completing the syllabus for their level of qualification. After having their knowledge and skills approved by an Auxiliary Flight Examiner, they may be certified by the District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) as Pilots, Observers or Air Crew in the AuxAir program.