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Welcome to Auxiliary AviationImage of Aux Air Crew in a plane

What is AUXAIR?

AUXAIR is an Auxiliary operational program but organized on a district level rather than on a flotilla and division basis. AUXAIR aviators have varied aviation backgrounds and many have prior military experience. AUXAIR aviators volunteer their aircraft for use as facilities, just as surface operators volunteer their boats. All Auxiliary aircraft meet strict U.S. Coast Guard and Federal Aviation Administration requirements. These aircraft are inspected annually per the Commandants instruction.

What is our Missions?

  • Search and Rescue
  • Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security
  • Marine Safety
  • Pollution Response
  • Aids to Navigation
  • Ice Reconnaissance
  • Rotary Wing Air Intercept (RWAI) Training with Air Station Cape Cod
  • Logistic Transport Missions

AUXAIR is an integral part of the Coast Guard search and rescue team and its homeland security forces As with surface operators, air facility operators are issued patrol orders. 

Orders are issued based on the needs of the Coast Guard and the availability of crews and facilities. Coast Guard Air Stations are the Order Issuing Authority for AUXAIR. This alignment of Auxiliary aviation assets in a district with an Air Station is known as the “squadron concept”, because aviation orders and direction flow directly between the Air Station and the district aviation staff.

Auxiliarists involved in AUXAIR take Auxiliary aviation training, completing the syllabus for their level of qualification. After having their knowledge and skills approved by an Auxiliary Flight Examiner, they may be certified by the District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) as Pilots, Observers or Air Crew in the AUXAIR Program.

Images of Aux Air Crew in a plane and cockpit panel with AuxAir Pin

Image of DSO-AV Steven Trupkin
D1SR District Staff Officer for
Auxiliary Aviation Department

Steven Trupkin, DSO-AV
[email protected]

D1SR Aviation Department Staff

Assistant District Staff Officer for Training and Qualification
Joseph A. Costanzo, ADSO-AV-T
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Aviation Materials
Peter Stauffer, ADSO-AV-MA
Email: [email protected]

Assistant District Staff Officer for Scheduling
Rich Imperato, ADSO-AV-SCH
Email: [email protected] 

D1SR Aviation Materials

Image of Learn AuxAir Overview Link Button   Image of AuxAir Manuals Link Button

Image of AuxAir Observer Link Button    Image of AuxAir Crew Link Button

Image of AuxAir NetSkeds Link Button