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Verifying Your AUXCT Renewal Status

Every five years you are required to re-certify the majority of your AUXCT courses.

If you're not sure of your certification status, you can run the AUXCT Tracker (AD2 access required to run report)...

  • The re-certification only applies to those classes that fall under the "Renew Every 5 Years" section of the report.
    • If status is green, it means that class is current and the number represents how many days are remaining before it expires.
    • If your status is yellow, it means that class is about to expire in "X" days.
    • If your status is red, it means that class has expired by "X" days and all of your competencies will soon move to REYR status if they haven't already.
    • If you don't see your name, then you've never been AUXCT certified.


AUXCT Recertification

AUXCT is comprised of 7 courses, 6 of which are required to be re-certified every 5 years

Course Code             Course Name  Frequency             
AUXCT - 502306  Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts 1 time only
AUXCT - 502319 Civil Rights Awareness Every 5 years
AUXCT - 502379 Workforce Resilience Training Every 5 years
AUXCT - 810000 Sexual Harassment Prevention Every 5 years
AUXCT - 810030
Security Fundamentals Every 5 years
AUXCT - 810015 Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information Every 5 years
AUXCT - 100643 Suicide Prevention Every 5 years

Important notes about AUXCT:
  • Please be sure to read all the sections in the OVERVIEW section of the AUXCT Portal.
  • Completing your self-attestations in the National Testing Center(NTC) is no longer required, and your course completions will be automatically be forwarded to AUXDATA2.  However, to ensure that you get credit for these classes, please print/download each of the completed certifications as a PDF and save then in case you'll need to send to the FSO-IS, Steven Anthony Fiorillo for recording.
  • Note that the 5 year period is on a calendar basis.  So for example, if you completed classes any time in 2018, they expire on Dec 31 2023.

Course Access: These courses are found in the Auxiliary Classroom.  Once logged in go to the AUX Core Training Certification Portal   Enrollment keys can be found at the Directorate Enrollment Keys Page under each of the course's name: Workforce Resilience, Security Fundamentals, etc.

Course Recognition:  All courses for AUXCT will be automatically be updated into AUXDATA2 within 14 days.  However it is suggested that you keep a copy of all your completed course for reference in case the upload fails.