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 FLOTTILA 26-01    No Report 

  FLOTTILA 26-02   No Report 

 FLOTILLA 26-03    Roscommon 

I am Flotilla Commander of 091-26-03 and HR-SO.  Here is my report.  Presently I have two new recruits from Houghton Lake. Anthony Bair and Curtis Eggleton who want to join our flotilla.  Anthony has all of his paperwork done and has filled out his Enrollment Application and passed his test at 100% and next week we are going to get together so he can sign his Application. Curtis has a packet I gave him and he was working on the test. Unfortunately a couple of weeks ago he was in the hospital and I don't think it was serious and will be calling him soon. I have one other candidate Bill KIng who has a packet to fill out and he wants to join.
Doing all the Enrollment Application is the hardest part using blue ink for all the application signatures and follow instructions carefully. Good luck Terri.
                                                              Kind regards,
                                                              Laurence Leighton

 FLOTILLA 26-04    No Report 

  FLOTILLA 26-10    No Report 

 Report from Flotilla 26-11, Marquette

We had a virtual meeting on January 19, 2021 that was well
attended. Senior Chief Saflin, CO of Station Marquette,  was able to join us for part of the meeting.
Our Auxiliary members have been asked to support the regular Coast Guard by organizing sessions for active duty Coast Guard members on first aid and financial 

planning.  Volunteer presenters have been identified and the leadership of Marquette Station will be scheduling them in the near future.

Efforts are underway to schedule  vessel inspections this spring, beginning
with a joint effort with the South Shore Fishing Association in Marquette to have  all of their boats inspected on the same day .Various members continue to enroll in appropriate online courses to either complete required updates, give themselves refresher courses, or advance in their training. Our February and March meetings will be on line.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Marsden, FC
Staff Officer Report –
Division 091-26 – 9th Central
Date: Feb 7, 2021
Division Staff
SO Report Summary:
Renewed office, Received and reviewed AUXSCOUT SOP, Updated BSA Youth Safety
of: As of last year division 26-02 Charlevoix successfully became the charter
organization for a New Sea Scout Ship (2602). 
comments:  Currently all Michigan Boy and Sea Scout activities are “virtual”, no new
Sea Scout ships are forming in our division.
Report submitted by:  Patrick G.
Cooper, SO-AS
Division Communications Officer (SO-CM) Report
1) Have been conducting
one-on-one TCO training via Zoom Conferencing software. 
new qualifications in Division 26. 
2) Identified Division 26
Auxiliarists with TCO/WS certifications per AUXDATA II. 
Members currently TCO qualified 
member currently training for TCO certification 
members currently WS qualified 
member currently training as WS (ASTC) 
3) Developing plan to increase
number of Auxiliarists qualified as WS per Division Commander’s goal. 
4) Developing plan to increase
number of Auxiliarists qualified as TCO. 
5) Have requested guidance from
D9 DCO-CM as to District goals for Communications. 
David Montgomery, VFC

FSO-CM, FSO-MT, First Pilot, Boat Crew, IT
Traverse City Flotilla
SO-CM Division 26
Feb. 11, 2021 
                                                      To Charles Leady, Division Vice Commander                                                                                                            
                                                       CC: Stanley Sionkowski, Division Commander                                                Susan Warren, Secretary of Records 
FROM: Agnes Feldman CS Div. 26 


The Division web page has been updated with the information
that I currently have available to me. I would like to support as many flotilla
activities in our Division as much as possible, to that end I would appreciate
any the dates and other information of our activities as possible. I would also
appreciate any current photographs of these activities (Please make sure that
all members are in proper uniforms and required safety equipment). My e-mail
address is


SO-IS - Dora Mueller
AUXDATA training has begun for any and all members. There
are two training sessions- one on Tuesday evening and a repeat on Friday
evening. There are 7 sessions. The sessions are about an hour/hour and a half
long. At the first Tuesday session, there were 70 attendees. The sessions are
very informative and will provide great assistance to all members when working
in AUXDATA II. Questions are answered after each segment in the presentation. A
hand-out is also provided for all attendees to be used as a reference when
members are working in AUXDATA II. 
Working in AUXDATA II is a learning process. It takes time
and patience. The AUXDATA training sessions are invaluable for all members. 
I continue to attend weekly AUXDATA training sessions which
also provide a great deal of information. It's an informal session. There is an
agenda and a good time to get questions answered. 
All members should submit any outstanding forms asap because
there will be a cut off date as to when entries for 2020 can be made.
Thank you 
Dora Mueller


MemberTraining is a continuous item in the Auxiliary. 
All training can be found on the District 9th Website and
sign up Genius for all in our District.  
Our SO-IS Dora has done a great job at sending all FCs a list of their members who
need Core training an ones in RYER for their Certs.  FCs, and FSOs all have been contacted by
myself and Dora as to who should be concerned with their Quals.
There are also Leadership classes available to all FCs, VFCs on the training site also.
would be a good time for each Flotilla to have some online training.  If you would like something for our Division
26 let me know and we can set something up! 
If you are bored with the Covid era do some training and take your mind
off of it.
Warren, SO-MT  091-26
SO-NS - Chuck Leady
Last season we were only able to do a
minimum of verifications, limited to Class I PATONS.
There were a couple that we were not
able to do because the aids were offshore and, as I was told, orders were not
Hopefully we can get back up to full
speed this coming season.
Operations Staff Officer Report – Division 091-26 – 9th Central
                                                                             Date: 2/1/21                                                                                     Division Staff Office – Operations SO
Report Summary: 
Not much activity with regard to Operations the past
quarter.  Hard water and virus holding us
back.  Preparations are taking place with
Offers for Use, TCT refresher, Ops workshop 2021.  Organizing the event calendar for 2021 and
hoping to be able to hold a Boat School 2021 – depending on the CG opinion of
the covid risks. 
TVC and CHX flotilla started to support station CHX with ice
reports.  Covid has forced the station to
split up into smaller groups to cover the work required but the regulations
also complicate travel to make Ice Reports. 
AuxAir in TVC and Surface in both TVC and CHX are assisting in weekly
tours of the lakes and harbors that the Station needs to cover.
Conclusion/Closing  comments:  
I encourage all
flotilla operations members to:
·Get to signup genius to find a TCT class they
can take – required to stay current in 2021
·Get to signup genius to find an operation class
they can take – required to stay current in 2021
·Check AuxData II – check your facility number –
your old number should now be in AuxData II, this is your call sign again
·Get your facility inspection out of the way early
·Hope for smoother start to the 2021 season

                                        Report submitted by:Glen Stolt, SO-OP 091-26231-557-6050

Charlevoix Will be doing a lot with their facebook page. Chief Collison will
be supplying them with public announcements. 
They hope to involve their AUXSCOUTS in both Boating Safety
Week and at the Auxiliary Boat school. 
If they can offer their boat school this year, they plan to
have more public outreach involved through their presence at public areas
instead of everything at the station. 
Their flotilla has developed the Charlevoix Auxiliary
Promotional Team (CAPT) which brings together their CS, PA and PB offices so
that they are only sharing cohesive promotional information throughout all
media types. They will also be looking into a commercial websi
Traverse City
Will also be doing more with their facebook page, promoting
boating safety. 
Will pursue getting a local radio spot or two promoting the
auxiliary and its missions. 
Will work towards getting 1 or 2 members certified to
operate "Coastie". 
Linda Kolhagen, SO-PA
Division 091-26 Staff Reports - Meeting
of 13 February 2021
Dan Kolhagen - SO-PE, Division 26, 9CR
Wed, Jan 27, 6:08 PM
Hi Chuck,
much to report at this time. National and District are pushing for Flotillas to
offer virtual classes. Our PE officer, Diane Walker, sat in on the training for
virtual class presentation and decided it was not something that she was
willing to attempt. I think until in-person classes are authorized, there won't
be any PE activity within the Division. This would be a good time for members
to complete the Instructor Course and be ready to go when the time comes. 
Division 26, 9CR
Goodafternoon, Surface Operations Team 
Ihope you enjoyed a quiet weekend. 
Pleasesend me an update on where you are regarding Replacement PLBs for Expired or soon
to Expire Batteries. 
We need to ensure all our Surface Operations members have a PLB with a current
 battery prior to the start of the Boating Season. 
Kind regards, DSO
Jack Broadhurst DSO-OP=091 
734 604-0647
SO-PV - Thomas Griseto     07 Feb
2021 12:43 PM
I did get a good response from all the FSO-PVs and they are
getting ready for the 2021 season… The Recreational
Boating Safety Program Visitation Program (RBSVP) continues to play an ever
increasing role and is integral component of the USCG’s Recreational Boating
Safety (RBS) program. Program Visitors (PV’s) serve as “community ambassadors”,
and promote safe boating through the aid of Program Partners who are businesses
or organizations where the boating public might frequent. This community
outreach program not only provides Program Partners with safety/boating related
literature, but serves as a resource link (point of contact) for Program
Partners who may need more information including, but not limited to, answers
to questions such as: documentation, recall status, or technical questions. The
RBSVP interfaces with other RBS programs and provides additional information to
Program Partners such as schedules and details for vessel examinations (VE),
boating safety classes (PE), and special events (PA). Under all circumstances,
PV’s must maintain the best of personal appearance and CORRECTLY worn uniform
along with a solid knowledge base of safe boating 
I am looking forward to an excellent year for division 26. 
Goals and Program Objectives that worked for us last year… 
#1. Our Flotilla recorded activities and maintained a list of Partners. We were
able to schedule visits without duplication. Our lists of actives were reviewed
during all of our Flotilla Meetings  each
#2. We ordered materials and handout information
needed early in the year before boating season. 
#3. We maintained a close liaison with the
DSO-PV and FSO-PVs to ensure prompt and direct exchange of information vital to
the conduct of the program. 
During our visits our Flotilla wore the correct uniform and had great feed back
at the end of the year 2020. 
Thomas J. Griseto
SO-VE - Larry Leighton
Report for SO-VE: Received new Decals 2021 Decals for future
Vessel Safety Checks that can be used when District allows Auxilarists to do
Vessel Safety Checks in public areas. 
Larry Leighton 


FALL 2020


26-01 Cheboygan – Chuck Leady

Goals:   Recruitment, Operations, Consolidation

Recruiting Progress:       We have one new member BQ with number and another on the way.  One member decided to dis-enroll voluntarily.                                      

Operations:        Operations members list now sent in ... Preparing to do PV, PE. and PATON's ASAP

Consolidation:   In progress - St. Ignace members are now non-officially on our roster.  Further consolidation discussions ongoing.

Noteworthy activities:   As mentioned above consolidation of  Cheboygan, St. Ignace, & Sault Ste Marie

Dealing with Covid-19:  On-line meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesdays working out OK

Reconstitution:   Rebuilding the Flotilla slow but progressing per the items mentioned above.

26-02 Charlevoix – Glen Stolt

Updates to our 2020 goals in Red

Recreational Boating Safety:    

·        Working on finding 2 Public Schools to do spring Boat Safety assemblies-cancelled due to Covid shutdown.

·        Contacting the CHX library to set up PE classes before summer boat season-Set up then cancelled due to Covid shut down.

Operations and Marine Safety:  

·        2 of our 3 facilities are inspected for 2020 season

·        Working on one more facility for 2020 – No patrols so far this year and no new facilities.  Still at 2 approved, one in need of inspection.

Member Services:  

·        New MT officer – Brian Taylor.  Looking forward to fresh ideas for 2020.  He is doing a superalative job, would like to see C schools restored to get him additional abilities.

·        Still working on getting a member qualified as watch stander – worked on this all season 2019 without success.  Program organization and PQS is not clear. – the one member near qualification is losing interest, covid shut down is not helping.  One new member is eager to start the program.  Hopefully, she will be able to and work at the station.

·        With 2 members in IQ status – CT and BQS is complete but security clearance seems to be the hold up again. – This has cleared up.  Status has changed – progress.

·        We have participated in many online trainings this summer – most active members are current on things like CT, Ops workshop, BQS2, BBP, First Responder and TCT.


No meetings in person but, the virtual have been well attended.

Flotilla plans for the next 30 days include:

·        Celebrate our 2 new members!

·        Collect dues

·        Organize with the new Charlevoix Sea Scout ship we chartered!

·        Hold elections

·        Sign up 2 new members this fall

·        Try to get some patrols in

·        VEs and PVs activity will likely be all postponed till next Spring – Covid risk concern for some and our season is in the last weeks for most boaters.  If this means REYR status for our members, it will likely be an issue for the entire flotilla next year, since all of us will be in REYR and no member “current” to sign off in 2021.  I would like the COL to seriously consider what kind of mess we could be in if a ‘right decision’ is not made regarding this.

Longer range flotilla plans include:

Continue to seek out recruits to spread the workload.

26-03  Roscommon County – Stan Sionkowski

I have nothing to report. We had meeting over the internet. We have not worked on any goals because we have been closed down. We are working on two new members but work is slow because we couldn't meet face-to-face. I only have 2 members that will try to do VE's. But it late in the year to try to get any done.

26-04 Alpena – Bob Currier

Our goals for Alpena flotilla to recruit new members and retain current members.

Recreational Boating Safety: N/A

Operations and Marine Safety: Awaiting word from St Ignace as to how to proceed with surface operations. Progress made in that we now have access to station and our materials.

Member Services: N/A

Fellowship: Guest speakers to speak to synergies with USCG-CRTC-NOAA-Superintendant Jeff Gray of NOAA speaking with flotilla about working together surface/air over NOAA/Thunder Bay Sanctuary.

Flotilla plans for the next 30 days include: Guest speakers-with this we will invite public to generate interest in flotilla membership

Longer range flotilla plans include: Increase membership through attendance with guest speakers-this will increase activity and hopefully membership. Retention from recruitment to act as mentors for new members.

Other information to report:   COVID-19-In dealing with COVID-19 we have been asked to stand down at Station and therefore not really operational at this time. Unable to meet we have had ZOOM meetings and also check with each other through “welfare” calls to make sure we are all well.

26-06 Sault Ste. Marie – Mike Rubin

No report

26-08 St. Ignace – Kathy Ferguson

Goals (set in January):  Ensure all members requiring Core training in 2020 complete by June. Increase flotilla by three new members. Interact with other flotillas for events. Have our public education booth at the St. Ignace home show and the CG station St. Ignace open house. Participate at the Les Cheneaux boat show with Coastie and any other events requesting its appearance. Furnish Labor Day luncheon for active CG members at Station St. Ignace following the bridge walk. Accomplish 25 VE’s after training at least one more examiner.

Progress on those goals: Due to the COVID-19, we were not able to meet any of our goals. Nearly everyone has completed the Core training, however.


Noteworthy activities happening in your unit(s): We are disbanding our flotilla, and combining with flotillas in Cheboygan, Sault Ste. Marie, and our detachment to become part of one large flotilla centered at Cheboygan. All the money in our checking and savings accounts has been sent to Division.  We are scheduled to have one final meeting in August.


Recruiting and retention efforts: Unable to accomplish this (new members are typically developed via our public events)


Dealing with Covid-19; what has your unit done to keep members energized during this difficult time: We have continued to have meetings via Go to Meeting and have kept our members up to date on what is going on with reconstitution. Other than that, we have encouraged our members to use this time for training.

How reconstitution is going in your area:  We only have two members in the St. Ignace area that do VE’s, and one is at very high risk (COPD, CAD, age 73), and the other is disenrolling. Other than that, we normally do events but have no plans to do them this year. Our detachment in Manistique does have a facility but St. Ignace does not, so training on the water is not likely to happen this year.

26-10 Traverse City – Jim Frick

Goals: increase membership

   Several inquiries

   1 in process

    FSO-HR Expired – new FSO learning the position

    1 transfer accomplished

    2 transfers pending paperwork receipt

Air show support

Goal: Improved communications

No progress since Cherry Festival and all summer activities cancelled

Communication training – ongoing but training was difficult.

BQ2 course: many completed

Most updated Core training

Succession planning

    Have FC and VFC candidates

NACO Diversity Award: applied for

NACO Member Core training threshold met (94.7%) and award applied for

Learning AuxData II

       Problematic and contentious.

Reconstitution: not going well thus far. Only 3 surface operations members have met the requirements and only 2 so far are even interested in resuming patrols / training in 2020. 

Planning for 2021

Met monthly, online training and phone calls.

 26-11 Marqudette – John Kraft

Goals: We had set goals of: conducting one boater safety class. Working with the Coast Guard on training – them and us. Vessel inspection blitz during safe boating week

Progress on goals: Unfortunately, the boater safety class and the VE blitz couldn’t happen due to the total suspension of our activities because of the COVID problem.The training with the Coast Guard will be happening soon.

Activities accomplished: We did manage to have 2 on line meetings. Most of our members completed required training during this time.

Recruiting/retention: no activity

Dealing with COVID: held 2 on line meetings

Reconstitution: We are slowly getting a few activities going. Hopefully we will be able to meet soon. It will make planning and discussions much better.


FALL 2020


SO-AS Patrick Cooper  No report

SO-CS  Kathy Ferguson  No Report

SO-DV Terri Blanchard  No Report

SO-HR  Sue Warren  26-1 Cheboygan, 26-8 St Ignace and 26-6 Sault Ste Marie are merging into one flotilla 091-26-1. Member transfer forms have been completed and sent for processing. A new name is being considered. Cheboygan has one prospective member who has yet to complete an application.  A crew member from the Cutter Mackinaw  has forwarded our contact information to an interested community member.

26-8 St. Ignace -  Reports 15 transfers to 26-1 Cheboygan, 4 disenrollments (3 moved away), 2 retirements, 1 pending.  

26-6  Sault Ste Marie – three transfers to 26-1 Cheboygan

26-11 Marquette – nothing to report

I did not receive reports from 26-2 Charlevoix, 26-3 Roscommon, 26-4 Alpena, or 26-10 Traverse City      

SO-IS Dora Mueller  No Report

SO-MA Lynda Stolt  No Report

SO-MT Don Warren  Many online classes have taken place thru the Division and District.  We have D-Train this weekend and info was sent out for all to sign up on the Sign up Genius on

The District 091 Website.  I hope everyone had an opportunity to go there and sign up for some online classes that are scheduled!!!  No on the water training was scheduled for the Boat School at Charlevoix this year.  26-03 had some on the water training I understand on Higgins Lake.  Larry Leighton is training with CG etc at Station St Ignace as I write!!  The On the Water season is coming to a close so let’s turn to the Online training that is offered.  Garrison Bromwell is the new DSO-MT and has many classes and courses to offer.  Check out the District Website.

SO-NS Chuck Leady  Traverse City did PATON Verifications for the Boardman Head Lights and Elk Rapids Harbor.

Alpena is set to do verifications requested by ANT SSM when they can get orders from St. Ignace.

SO-OP Glen Stolt  SO Report Summary:

Pretty light summer for operations in Division 26 due to covid 19 shut down.  Festivals/events were all cancelled anyway.

We were also the last division to reactivate. 

A few training patrols are happening in Roscommon, Traverse City and Charlevoix but, most all Crew and Coxswains will likely fall into REYR this year if the 12 hour minimum and check ride requirements are not relieved.  I would add it would be a mess if not impossible to try and requalify everyone by the rules next year, if this happens.

Highlights/Successes/Issues of:

Our division was very active in online training opportunities so, most are current in all the other requirements – Ops workshop, TCT, etc.

Conclusion/Closing comments: 

A determination on all REYR minimums would be appreciated to settle the fears of membership.  It should not be delayed to the end of our year/season.

SO-PA  Linda Kolhagen  No Report

SO-PB Lynda Stolt  No Report

SO-PE Dan Kolhagen  No Report

SO-PV Tom Griseto  The Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitation Program (RBSVP) continues to play an ever increasing role and is integral component of the USCG’s Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) program.  Program Visitors (PV’s) serve as “community ambassadors”, and promote safe boating through the aid of Program Partners who are businesses or organizations where the boating public might frequent.  This community outreach program not only provides Program Partners with safety/boating related literature, but serves as a resource link (point of contact) for Program Partners who may need more information including, but not limited to, answers to questions such as:  documentation, recall status, or technical questions.  The RBSVP interfaces with other RBS programs and provides additional information to Program Partners such as schedules and details for vessel examinations (VE), boating safety classes (PE), and special events (PA).  Under all circumstances, PV’s must maintain the best of personal appearance and CORRECTLY worn uniform along with a solid knowledge base of safe boating practices. I am looking forward to an excellent year for division 26.

Goals and Program Objectives that worked for us last year...

#1. Our Flotilla recorded activities and maintained a list of Partners. We were able to schedule visits without duplication. Our lists of actives were reviewed during all of our Flotilla Meetings each month. 

#2. We ordered materials and handout information needed early in the year before boating season.

#3. We maintained a close liaison with the DSO-PV and FSO-PVs to ensure prompt and direct exchange of information vital to the conduct of the program.

#4. During our visits our Flotilla wore the correct uniform and had great feedback at the end of the year. 

SO-VE  (Vacant)

Fall Financial Statements



Please click on the above links for financial statements and report for Fall 2020.






CS- Agnes Feldman

The Staff Officers report has been uploaded to website.
Please send me any information on your events to be put on the calendar as soon as the event details are finalized.
I have also noticed that some of the web sited for the Flotillas have not been updated in a while. I would be willing to work on these sites if the FC/or the CS officers wishes me to do so.

SO-DV - Terri Blanchard
No Report
SO-IS report for the 091026 Division meeting 1 May 2021

On Tuesday, April 27, I presented a training session on how to enter a 7029 mission. All members in Division 26 were invited to attend. It went really well. Some of the members who were present, created their activity log during the presentation and we were able to look at them and help with any issues or problems that occurred. There were lots of good questions.

Division 26 is trying to meet the challenge from COMO Thurlow - She has a goal for each division and that is that at least 50% of our members log in and enter one (at least one) activity log. We want to lead the nation in using this new system and getting people started with that first log will certainly help. I sincerely believe the members in Division 26 can meet this goal.

This week I received a message that James Munger and I have been approved to attend the AUX 10 C School class to be held in Orlando, FL in August. I am excited to have been accepted and am looking forward to attending the course.

Thank you

Dora Mueller
(813) 779-2739 (h)
(231) 238-0078 (c)

SO-NS Report for Division 091-26 Quarterly Meeting 1 May 2021

In conversation with BM3 Selena Hodge (formerly Harrison) who is the PATON Coordinator at ANT Sault Ste Marie, a list of PATON assignments is being prepared for our Division to verify this season. She told me to expect them from her likely next week. I will then sort them by location and forward them to the appropriate Flotillas. Normally June 15 is the target for completion of the verifications.

End of Report,
Chuck Leady SO-NS

Operations Staff Officer Report – Division 091-26 – 9th Central
Date: 4/26/21
Division Staff Office - Operations
SO Report Summary:
No known operations activity on the water yet. Preparations are taking place with Offers for Use, TCT refresher, Ops workshop 2021. I offered an ops workshop to Division 26 – 22 so far and I plan to offer another to cover any that could not attend earlier.
I encourage all flotilla operations members to:
• Get to signup genius to find a TCT class they can take – required to stay current in 2021
• Get to signup genius to find an operation class they can take – required to stay current in 2021
• Get your facility inspection done – use Aux Data II to request one
• Get your PPE gear inspections done and recorded
Facility inspections:
TVC and Upper Gt Lakes facilities are inspected for 2021, Charlevoix has one left to do. No report from Alpena, Roscommon or Marquette.
Many of us are going to need requalifying – Train first! We can get underway with orders so let’s get that training in before it gets too late to find a QE with time to give you a check ride. There is a more formal procedure for requesting a check ride now – I will be sending that to all the FSO-OP and FCs.

Of the 3 flotillas reporting it sounds like we have 6-9 possible trainees for OPS this year. Let’s work together to help get them trained and signed off. We need more Crew/Coxswains! Let me know if I can help in any way.
Looks like we will hold steady with facilities – TVC lost one, CHX should gain 1 for 3 total again, Upper Gt Lakes is steady at 3. If there are some in your flotilla that have interest in offering a boat, please encourage it, we are short on platforms to adequately cover some of the busy event times.
Conclusion/Closing comments:
We are all waiting to hear how the reconstitution will go and what we will be allowed to do so, stand by and read your emails. In the meantime, get prepared (TCT, OPS workshops, Inspections-facility and PPE).
We CAN get orders to do training patrols – take advantage of this!
Be safe with COVID out there – we need to have masks, sanitizer and cleaners, gloves on board, maintain distance as much as possible on board. LIMIT public interaction – call it in on the radio unless it is a dire emergency. Let the CG respond. Any questions on this – drop me an email or call.

Report submitted by:
Glen Stolt, SO-OP 091-26
SO-PA Reports

PA - TC is posting a series of boating safety tips on Facebook. Otherwise not aware of any activity in the Division.

Linda Kolhagen

SO-PE Reports

PE - TC is doing a one-day ABS for 3 new members this Saturday. Not aware of any other activity in the Division.

Dan Kolhagen

Division 26 has been very busy with online training. There are several classes that one can take along with our own Division training. The District D-Train was in April and many members attended workshops and business meetings. Online was very busy with training and meetings.
We gave a 7029 training last Thursday at 6:00 which saw many Division 26 members in attendance. Dora, our SO-IS, conducted the training which allowed members to participate and ask questions. We were then asked to go online and fill out a 7029 in Auxdata II to see if they could follow the instructions from the class as well as written instrucions Dora sent out.
More training can be done online if the members request it and we can get enough people signed up.
Please everyone fill out your own 7029 forms online. It makes a big impact on our numbers.
If anyone wants a training, contact me as we will see if we can make it work for you.
Don Warren, SO-MT

SO-PE Reports

PE - TC is doing a one-day ABS for 3 new members this Saturday. Not aware of any other activity in the Division.

Dan Kolhagen


I have completed six visits to date ( 2021 )…..

The Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitation Program (RBSVP) continues to play an ever increasing role and is integral component of the USCG’s Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) program. Program Visitors (PV’s) serve as “community ambassadors”, and promote safe boating through the aid of Program Partners who are businesses or organizations where the boating public might frequent. This community outreach program not only provides Program Partners with safety/boating related literature, but serves as a resource link (point of contact) for Program Partners who may need more information including, but not limited to, answers to questions such as: documentation, recall status, or technical questions. The RBSVP interfaces with other RBS programs and provides additional information to Program Partners such as schedules and details for vessel examinations (VE), boating safety classes (PE), and special events (PA). Under all circumstances, PV’s must maintain the best of personal appearance and CORRECTLY worn uniform along with a solid knowledge base of safe boating practices. I am looking forward to an excellent year for division 26.

Goals and Program Objectives for this year…
#1. Order materials and handout information needed early in the year before boating season.
#2. During our visits wear the correct uniform, we had great feed back at the end of last year.
#3. Record activities and maintain a list of Partners so we will be able to schedule visits without duplication. The lists of actives will be reviewed during our
Flotilla Meetings each month. I have started my visits I have (6) this year so far. I wanted to start before our Partners get busy with summer actives.

Thank you
Tom Griseto

SO-VE - Larry Leighton -- Division Meeting 1 May 2021
I have gone through Aux II and checked VE'S for six members in my Flotilla 091-26-03. All members I found are correct as Vessel Examiners. Mr. Kirk Gutman requested FSO-VE'S to check the status of our members in our Flotilla and I found it ok!
Larry Leighton




Call to Order DCDR Stan Sionkowski
Roll Call of Board Members SO-SR Sue Warren
Introduction of Guests DCDR
Minutes of Previous Meeting SO-SR Sue Warren
Financial Report SO-FN Cindy Shutt

Flotilla Commander Reports

• 01 Don Warren
• 02 Antanas Janavicius
• 03 James Munger
• 04 John Knapp
• 10 Michael Harbin
• 11 Perry Laing

Division Staff Officer Reports VCDR Chuck Leady

• SO-AS Patrick Cooper
• SO-CM Dave Montgomery
• SO-CS James Munger
• SO-DV Terri Blanchard
• SO-HR James Munger
• SO-IS Dora Mueller
• SO-MS Randy Lawton
• SO-MT Don Warren
• SO-NS Chuck Leady
• SO-OP Glen Stolt
• SO-PA Linda Yoder
• SO-PV Tom Griseto
• SO-VE Stanley Sionkowski

Member Training - Awards

Comments from the Bridge
DCDR Stan Sionkowski
• Succession planning/Health of the Flotillas
• 7025 have been sent up the chain
• Reply to Routine Emails
• Date for monthly meeting
• Division and District Calendars

Comments from VCDR
Chuck Leady

Comments from the D-CAPT
Raymone Kral

Comments from Commodore
Catherine Slabaugh

Old Business
• Other

New Business
• 2022 Budget
• Division Goals
• Other


NEXT MEETING: 07 MAY 2022 –St Ignace @ 10:00 if we can meet in person.
If not will be an online @ 10:00


U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Division 26 - Monthly Meeting Minutes – 15 November 2021
The meeting was called to order by DCDR Stan Sionkowski at 1901 online using Microsoft Teams. FCs are expected to attend, SOs are welcome to attend.
Members Present - DCDR Stan Sionkowski, VCDR Chuck Leady, 01 Don Warren , 02 Antanas Janavicius, 03 James Munger (for Larry Leighton), 10 Mike Harbin, COMO Cathie Slabaugh, DCAPT Raymone Kral, Sector AUC Dave Hansen, SO-SR Sue Warren, Dave Montgomery, Glen Stolt,
Minutes of the 2 October regular meeting were distributed via e-mail. Don W moved and Mike H seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report (Cindy) Cindy submitted her report to DCDR Sionkowski. She reported $985.83 in checking and $9879.26 in savings for a total of $10,865.09. Interest was $1.32. James M. moved Don W. seconded to accept the report as presented. Dave M asked about the purpose of the funds we have in our accounts.
Flotilla Commander Reports:
26-1 Don Warren (Cheboygan) We acquired two new members over the year and one prospective member who is working on his enrollment application. Our COW is scheduled for 14 December at Audie’s in Mackinaw City at 1600 (4:00). Elections have been held. FN has been collecting dues and updating membership. We are working on filling our FSO positions.

26-2 Antanas Janavicius (Charlevoix) There is not much going on at this time. Members are traveling to warmer places. We have started our informal monthly meetings.
26-3 James Munger for Larry Leighton (Roscommon) Elections are set for next week. The last of the in-person meetings has been held and we are going to online meetings. We have one new member at BQ and another new member in AP. We expect to hold a PA Event next summer – a swimmer going to swim Houghton Lake.
26-4 Bob Currier (Alpena) – no report
26-10 Mike Harbin (T.C.) - Two new member applications have been submitted. We are disenrolling two members. Our elections have taken place - Mike H will continue as FC, Dave M will continue VFC. We are rebalancing and filling FSO positions. Our COW will be held on Tues 7 December.
26-11 Mike Marsden – no report

Staff Officer Reports-
AS Patrick C – no report
CM Dave M - We havent done much this year except to get people qualified. We are hoping to do more training next year and increase the number of qualified watchstanders. We are working on the remote facility. We are creating a Google group of CM personnel.
CS Agnes F – no report
HR Terri B – no report
IS Dora M – no report
MA - vacant
MS Randy L – no report
MT Don W – There is all sorts of training available on the district web page using Sign up Genius. Find what training you need (CT, quals) or what training you would like. DSO Garrison Bromwell is planning a once-a-month online training topic beginning with Towing on 20 November at 0900, 15 January - Communications, and 19 February -Search and Rescue. Register on the Sign-up Genius to attend.
NS Chuck L – Nothing to report
OP Glen S – Nothing further to report for this year, We are looking forward to next season. Glen asked COMO Slabaugh about the possibility of a boat school next year. Her reply was that it’s quite possible.

PA Linda K - No report
PE Dan K – No report
PV Tom G – No report
VE Larry L - James reported for Larry - Nothing further to report.
Awards - none
Comments from the Bridge:
DCDR Sionkowski –
Stan sent an e-mail last month about the new uniforms. New ones coming out 2024 for the Auxiliary - long sleeve and short sleeve. There will be a polo shirt with pants or shorts as an alternative (AWU) to the ODU. COMO Slabaugh commented that the current uniform is going away as of 31 DEC for the active duty. There is a replacement on the timeline for the current ODU, called CGU. It will be rolled out with Active Duty now, but not for the Auxiliary until 2024. The alternative uniform (AWU) consists of polo and commercial pants or shorts and is approved for all Aux activities. They will not be carrying as many of the larger sizes in the new CGU. You may need to wear the alternative uniform (AWU). It is not required that all participants be in the same uniform.

VCDR Chuck Leady – No further comments
COMO Slabaugh – Nothing further
DCAPT Raymone Kral – Thanks to everyone you for having me. I am impressed with Division 26. I like that there are plans in the works already for next year. I am proud of you all.
Dave Hansen, Sector Unit Coordinator - Things at the Sector are quieting down as the boating season ends.. If anyone has anything that they want Dave to bring to sector let him know. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your service.

Old Business –
Elections - DCDR Sionkowski asked which Flotillas have held their elections. Traverse City and Upper Great Lakes reported that they have.
District Training Classes/courses - Sign up for training classes on district website.
Don W: Commented on the e-mail that was received by all members reporting that the financial system update will be delayed thru December.

New Business –
Form 7007 FSO - Get these forms completed and sent to Stan so they can be sent up the chain. Also send a copy to Dora for inputting.

Financial Reports - Get your flotilla financial reports completed

Health of Flotillas - DCAPTs and DCDRs are tasked with assessing the health of the flotillas. COMO Slabaugh has devised a process/assessment to evaluate this. What are the markers of unhealthy and healthy flotillas? Identify things that can be done better and how to improve them. Stan will talk with the FCs about flotilla health and come up with a plan for improvement by January 1.

The Division COW will be held online 4 December at 1100. We are not comfortable with an in-person event at this time. Stan asked COMO Slabaugh if she is willing to oversee the COW.

COMO asked our Division to be involved in a beta test of the Form 7017 Record of Unit Meeting which was last updated 2009. Instructions and a new form will be sent. SRs will test for 6 months using this new form then provide feedback. No one is currently using this form. Questions asked were: who is going to read these, what use will be made of them, and is this a replacement of the traditional minutes or in addition to? Completed Forms would go to Stan who would pass them on.

Chuck Leady- He is working on filling SO positions. Question - Will CG have any involvement with the Center of Expertise being established for managing oil spills appearing on Senator Gary Peters website?

Raymone – ask your members if they are receiving their awards.

Dave H – Asked if the awards are awards up to date. Currently, awards are being sent directly to the individual as many flotillas are not meeting in person. Membership Service Awards - 5 year, 10 year, 15 year - should be coming directly from DIRAUX office.

Next Meeting: (after 4 December COW) 5 February 2022 in person @ Station St Ignace

James Munger moved to adjourn the meeting. Mike Harbin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2007 (8:07) .

Sue Warren SO-SR






 Staff Officer Report – Division 091-26 – 9th Central
Date: Feb 3, 2022
Division Staff Office: AUXSCOUT (SO-AS)

SO Report Summary: Renewed office, Received and reviewed AUXSCOUT SOP, Updated BSA Youth Safety credentials
Highlights/Successes/Issues Nothing to Report beyond ongoing Sponsorship of Sea Scout Ship 2602 by flotilla 26-2
Conclusion/Closing comments: Currently all Michigan Boy and Sea Scout activities are “virtual”, no new Sea Scout ships are forming in our division.

SO-IS - Dora Jasinski

Just a reminder that members and FSO-IS officers are to forward Task entries up the chain of leadership for entry into AUXDATA II due to the influx of errors when entering the information.

Glen Stolt and I are planning an AUXDATA II training this month. A message will be forthcoming soon. Again, the session is scheduled for a half hour which may go longer with questions. The half hour training went well in November as we focused on only a couple areas and therefore did not overwhelm the attendees. Glen and I hope to continue with these training sessions.

Thank you

Dora Jasinski

SO-MS - Randy Lawton

No Report

SO-MT Report 2-2-2022 091-26

SO-MT Report for Feb 2, 2022 Members have been receiving Report asking themselves to check their standings. There has been a reprieve for RYER with many of our positions. I have passed the info on to all or our Flotillas and Members!!! Please check it out. See where you stand with TCT/RM and the other workshops. There are many classes you can partake in at the District Level. Please don’t wait till the last minute. We have an opportunity to make up for the 2020 and 2021. This will be the last chance to make it right. Each Flotilla should request a report on their members and make sure it goes out to them so they know where they stand.

Each FSO-MT must make sure members understand their standing!!!!!!


Don Warren, SO-MT 091-26

SO-NS Report for Division 091-26 Quarterly Meeting 5 Feb 2022

Nothing to report

End of Report,
Chuck Leady SO-NS

SO-PV Report for the division meeting

This is my SO-PV division report 02-01-2022. Not much going on….. I will try to call into the meeting I’m still in Florida...

The email below was sent out to the PV’s on my list last year before the Division meeting…..I only received one report… I completed over 50 visits myself last year but the data sent out did not reflect that number….The data only showed me as having around 20 visits. Looking forward to working with you…...THOMAS .J. GRISETO VFC - SO-PV 231-260-1816

It's time for me to send in my PV Report for the Division.

Staff Officer Report – Division -26 - 01
Date: 9-20-2021

Division Staff Office PV Report Summary: Highlights / How many completed / Successes


The Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitation Program (RBSVP) continues to play an ever increasing role and is integral component of the USCG’s Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) program. Program Visitors (PV’s) serve as “community ambassadors”, and promote safe boating through the aid of Program Partners who are businesses or organizations where the boating public might frequent. This community outreach program not only provides Program Partners with safety/boating related literature, but serves as a resource link (point of contact) for Program Partners who may need more information including, but not limited to, answers to questions such as: documentation, recall status, or technical questions. The RBSVP interfaces with other RBS programs and provides additional information to Program Partners such as schedules and details for vessel examinations (VE), boating safety classes (PE), and special events (PA). Under all circumstances, PV’s must maintain the best of personal appearance and CORRECTLY worn uniform along with a solid knowledge base of safe boating practices. I am looking forward to an excellent year for division 26.

Goals and Program Objectives that worked for us this year…

#1. Our Flotilla recorded activities and maintained a list of Partners. We were able to schedule visits without duplication. Our lists of actives were reviewed during all of our Flotilla Meetings each month.

#2. We ordered materials and handout information needed early in the year before boating season.

#3. We maintained a close liaison with the DSO-PV and FSO-PVs to ensure prompt and direct exchange of information vital to the conduct of the program.

#4. During our visits our Flotilla wore the correct uniform and had great feed back at the end of the year.

Best regards Thomas J. Griseto VFC…. SO-PV

Operations Staff Officer Report – Division 091-26 – 9th Central
Date: 2/5/22
Division Staff Office - Operations
SO Report Summary:

Not much activity with regard to Operations the past quarter. Hard water and virus holding us back. Everyone should be thinking about preparations: with Offers for Use, TCT refresher, Ops workshop 2022. I have started organizing the event calendar for 2022 and hoping to be able to hold a Boat School 2022 – depending on the CG opinion of the covid risks.
TVC and CHX flotilla have supported station CHX with ice reports, weekly tours of the lakes and harbors that the Station needs to cover from south of TVC to north of Petoskey. Aux Air has been shut down so far due to the accounting system change over and inability to get orders.
Our U/W currency requirements have been waived again for 2021 – so long as you stay up on your workshops, CT, TCT you will only need your 12 hours in 22 to stay current.
PPE Gear will now be in Aux Data II – It will be best if each flotilla could have their own RSS officer to handle this. It will be required that the members keep their gear checked and marked current in AD II, in order to get orders approved. RSS officers will need to be approved by your station OIC to be sure gear checks are properly done.
Conclusion/Closing comments:
I encourage all flotilla operations officers and FCs to:
• Appoint someone to handle PPE – RSS officer
• Please respond to emails or calls to help get data into Aux Data II
I encourage all flotilla operations members to:
• Get to signup genius to find a TCT class they can take – required to stay current in 2022
• Get to signup genius to find an operation class they can take – required to stay current in 2022
• Be sure you are current with TCT
• Get your facility inspection out of the way early
• Hope for smoother start to the 2022 season
Report submitted by:
Glen Stolt, SO-OP 091-26

Randy Lawton

AUC AIRSTA Traverse City

Division 26 SO-MS, IPDCDR

Nothing to report concerning marine safety.

Staff Officer Report – Division 091-26 – 9th Central
Date: Feb 3, 2022
Division Staff Office: AUXSCOUT (SO-AS) Patrick Cooper

SO Report Summary: Renewed office, Received and reviewed AUXSCOUT SOP, Updated BSA Youth Safety credentials
Highlights/Successes/Issues Nothing to Report beyond ongoing Sponsorship of Sea Scout Ship 2602 by flotilla 26-2
Conclusion/Closing comments: Currently all Michigan Boy and Sea Scout activities are “virtual”, no new Sea Scout ships are forming in our division.


Division 26 Communications Officer (SO-CM) - David Montgomery
5 February 2022

A) Telecommunication Workshop is now mandatory training for 2022.
All Auxiliarists that are TCO qualified, or intend to be TCO qualified, are required to
complete this workshop and have participation recorded in AUXDATA II. Request all Flotilla Communications Officers forward a list of Auxiliarists in their respective flotillas that can be identified as potential Telecommunications Officers (TCO) to David Montgomery, Division 26 Communications Officer (SO-CM).
B) Telecommunication Workshops are currently being offered by D9CR on the following dates:
—Monday, February 7th, from 7:00-8:00 PM EST
—Saturday, February 19th, from 1:00-2:30 PM EST
Registration is made online at the D9CR Member Training website.
•Log in to the D9CR website at
•Select Member Training from the menu column on the left.
•Find To Register for Online Training Sessions
•Click the link Please go to the D9CR Training Page at this location.
C) Two Auxiliarists are currently involved in Watchstander training at USCG Station Charlevoix.
—If additional Auxiliarists are interested in training as Watchstanders at either STA Charlevoix,
STA St. Ignace, or STA Sault Ste Marie, FSO-CMs should forward names to Division 26 SO-CM.
D) The Traverse City Flotilla has acquired a 22 foot camper trailer which is being converted and equipped to act as a ICS/COMM trailer in support of the USCG in northern Michigan. Intent is to offer this as a facility to support Station Charlevoix and Sector Sault Ste Marie as a deployable resource. Initial planning for this has involved conversations with Sector Sault Ste Marie and STA Charlevoix.
—Additional Auxiliarists who are TCO qualified will be needed to man this ICS/COMM facility.
—Planning for TCO training within Division 26 is currently in the planning stage and will be announced shortly.
E) Anticipating increased coordination with D9CR DSO-CM to assist in expanding communications
capabilities within Division 26


FROM: James Munger, SO-CS, SO-HR

RE: SO-CS and SO-HR January 2022 Reports

Division Webpage has been updated. Please take a look and let me know if there are any changes, edits, etc that need to be made.

I have been appointed as the ADSO-HR by Rio. Specific duty is to monitor the AAMS (Auxiliary Applicant Management System). This system tracks the on-line application process. FC and FSO-HR should be familiar with the system. Once applicant files out the on-line form, a telephone interview is conducted by HQ HR to determine that the applicant is eligible for membership. Referral then goes to the SO-HR who determines the best fit flotilla and refers to FSO-HR. FSO-HR then works with applicant to complete application which is forwarded to DIRAUX.


FROM: James Munger, FC 091-26-03 Roscommon

RE: FC Report – January 2022

Election have been held. No in-person change of watch was done due to COVID concerns.
Meetings through March will be done remotely with Go-To-Meeting. Have obtained a personal Go-To-Meeting account that will be used for our meetings and training.
Have one new member whose application is at DIRAUX
One of long-time members Dean Vanostran lost his father to COVID in January.
Have communicated with the local Sheriff’s Office (Roscommon) Marine Patrol to coordinate lake patrols/activities this coming summer months.
Have begun our initial contacts with local marinas as partners.




Flotilla Report 091-26-01
Hard water has slowed the 091-26-01 down. We have had very little training or anything. Many of us are down in Florida enjoying the warm weather. Our MT guy has been teaching online Operations Workshop and RM/TCT to members in the Division as well as in Florida.
We have gotten 4 members out of the RYERs and sent in Qualification Forms.
We have only 2 Facilities with one in the Soo standing by when the snow is gone. Our Radio Man (Mike Rubin) is doing an outstanding job with the Communication and the Active Duty.
We are looking forward to the spring and boating season. No boat school for June is scheduled. Maybe in August. Our Operations SO-OP
Bought a new boat and is driving it up around the coast in Orange Beach, AL. Perhaps we can get something going in the UP???
Don Warren, FC 091-26-01

Good Afternoon.
Hi Andrew, as you requested here are some of the public affair events Flotilla 091-26-01 Upper Great Lakes will be involved in this Spring/Summer/Fall.
Don Warren FC has already started classes and training for this year ( 2022 ). Don can provide you with the schedule and classes completed to date.

Indian River Chamber of Commerce is working on an event for the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary this summer. I don’t have all the details yet but more to come. From my understanding during the Top O Michigan boat race week, they are going to have a day of training for the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary are going to operate the race boats to get a better understanding of the safety features on each race boat. Families and the community will be invited to the event. Safety handouts from the Auxiliary will be available and a paddle craft safety class will be taught by Don Warren Cheboygan Flotilla Commander…Stay tuned.

Events the Coast Guard Auxiliary will participate in 2022:
#1. Mackinaw City’s Memorial Day Parade - The Auxiliary will lead the parade with the Coast Guard Color Guard.
#2. Cheboygan Michigan 4th of July parade.
#3. Indian River 4th of July Parade.
#4. Indian River Summerfest PV support.
#5. Top O Michigan Boat Races August 13th and 14th with patrol vessels and crew.
#6. Support Christmas trees from Cheboygan to Chicago 2022.
#7. Coast Guard Connection Committee. I sit on the board for this Committee representing the USCG AUX Cheboygan Mi ….

Coast Guard Connection Committee Planning Events from Sherry Nelson:
Change of command coming this summer, probably in June. The incoming captain will also be a woman. It is unclear if the public will be allowed to attend the Change of Command Ceremony. Christine King is the new DDA events chairman. There will be an August concert in Washington Park designated to recognize the Coast Guard, and the August Anniversary. There was discussion about how Coasties find out about recreational opportunities nearby. Trisha Deeter volunteered to contact Scott Hancock, with the City of Cheboygan, to get the Rec. Center schedule. Erica will then get it to the Coast Guard members. Perhaps a Coastie Family Night could be included so families could use the Rec. Center at the same time. A suggestion was made to stage a Corn Hole Tournament at Gordon Turner Park in which the Coasties could participate. Erica said that they prefer to join an event already scheduled, rather than obligating them to show up or support an activity designed just for them.

There will be no March meeting. The next Coast Guard Connection meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 2:30 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room.

Sherry Nelson
Co-Chair, Coast Guard Connection

#8. We invited all the members on this committee to attend one of our Coast Guard Auxiliary meetings.
The meetings take place at the Cheboygan Coast Guard Station. They are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month starting in April.

Best Regards
Tom Griseto Vice Flotilla Commander - VE - PV - Crew

Flotilla Commanders,

Good Afternoon. I am BMC Andrew Bowe currently working with LTJG Vieira (Auxiliary Liaison) at Sector Sault Ste Marie. We are requesting from each of your flotillas what operations and training you may have scheduled, how many boating safety classes your flotilla expects to teach, and any public affairs events your flotilla expects to be involved with during this Spring/Summer/Fall. Fair weather is quickly approaching, and with COVID-19 restrictions easing, we would like to have a snapshot of each of your flotillas agenda for this year. Thank You and have a great day.


BMC Andrew Bowe
USCG Sector Sault Ste Marie
337 E. Water Street
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783


Submitted by Michael Marsden, FC

Regularly scheduled meetings of our Flotilla were held on February 15, 2022 and March 15, 2022. Several members of the Flotilla took advantage of online workshops that were offered in February. Michael Marsden and Perry Laing volunteered to serve as the Audit Committee for the Division and filed their report in mid-February. Chief Mike Twito, who has been regularly attending our Auxiliary meetings, invited all of the Auxiliarists to join the active duty Coast Guard members for chili cook off in late February and extended an invitation to our Auxiliarists as well for other community events Station Marquette is planning this spring and summer. Chief Twito has offered to give a refresher presentation on Navigation Rules at our April 19, 2022 meeting. The main topic at our March 15, 2022 meeting was the need to identify a R&S Officer, which is a work in progress.
raverse City Flotilla 091-26-10
FC Report, 03/16/2022
Michael Harbin, FC

Working with the Auxiliary Association for a grant. Extremely frustrating endeavor.
Processing a new member application.
Ramping up for the season making sure everyone is attending their required workshops.
Making plans for Safe Boating Week including city/county proclamation.
Implementing a rolling 3-month calendar to bring better awareness to all activities of the flotilla in hopes of increasing participation.

March 12, 2022

To: DCDR Stan Sionkowski
VCDR Chuck Leady

FROM: James Munger, FC 091-26-03 Roscommon

RE: FC Report – March 2022

Meetings through March will be done remotely with Go-To-Meeting, first in-person meeting set for April.

FC will be the designated RS&S to inspect and record all PPE. Working with Working Dan Dean Auxlo at Station St Ignace to get written authorization to be the R&SS.
Have one new member in AP status and as completed CORE training.

Have surveyed flotilla members for status of their CPR, AED and First Aid training. Survey was done using SurveyMonkey which has a free version.
Expect to be participating with one of the local marine dealers at their boat show – PA event.
Anticipate have three on-water certified facilities this year. Plans underway to be the escort vessel for a cross-lake swim on Houghton Lake on June 25th.

Have reached out to the FC Lansing to get a list of those coxswains/crew interested in patrols with Roscommon.

Planning on hosting at least one MI Boating safety class this year.
Flotilla Report 091-26-01
Hard water has slowed the 091-26-01 down. We have had very little training or anything. Many of us are down in Florida enjoying the warm weather. Our MT guy has been teaching online Operations Workshop and RM/TCT to members in the Division as well as in Florida.
We have gotten 4 members out of the RYERs and sent in Qualification Forms.
We have only 2 Facilities with one in the Soo standing by when the snow is gone. Our Radio Man (Mike Rubin) is doing an outstanding job with the Communication and the Active Duty.
We are looking forward to the spring and boating season. No boat school for June is scheduled. Maybe in August. Our Operations SO-OP
Bought a new boat and is driving it up around the coast in Orange Beach, AL. Perhaps we can get something going in the UP???
Don Warren, FC 091-26-01

Good Afternoon.
Hi Andrew, as you requested here are some of the public affair events Flotilla 091-26-01 Upper Great Lakes will be involved in this Spring/Summer/Fall.
Don Warren FC has already started classes and training for this year ( 2022 ). Don can provide you with the schedule and classes completed to date.

Indian River Chamber of Commerce is working on an event for the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary this summer. I don’t have all the details yet but more to come. From my understanding during the Top O Michigan boat race week, they are going to have a day of training for the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary are going to operate the race boats to get a better understanding of the safety features on each race boat. Families and the community will be invited to the event. Safety handouts from the Auxiliary will be available and a paddle craft safety class will be taught by Don Warren Cheboygan Flotilla Commander…Stay tuned.

Events the Coast Guard Auxiliary will participate in 2022:
#1. Mackinaw City’s Memorial Day Parade - The Auxiliary will lead the parade with the Coast Guard Color Guard.
#2. Cheboygan Michigan 4th of July parade.
#3. Indian River 4th of July Parade.
#4. Indian River Summerfest PV support.
#5. Top O Michigan Boat Races August 13th and 14th with patrol vessels and crew.
#6. Support Christmas trees from Cheboygan to Chicago 2022.
#7. Coast Guard Connection Committee. I sit on the board for this Committee representing the USCG AUX Cheboygan Mi ….

Coast Guard Connection Committee Planning Events from Sherry Nelson:
Change of command coming this summer, probably in June. The incoming captain will also be a woman. It is unclear if the public will be allowed to attend the Change of Command Ceremony. Christine King is the new DDA events chairman. There will be an August concert in Washington Park designated to recognize the Coast Guard, and the August Anniversary. There was discussion about how Coasties find out about recreational opportunities nearby. Trisha Deeter volunteered to contact Scott Hancock, with the City of Cheboygan, to get the Rec. Center schedule. Erica will then get it to the Coast Guard members. Perhaps a Coastie Family Night could be included so families could use the Rec. Center at the same time. A suggestion was made to stage a Corn Hole Tournament at Gordon Turner Park in which the Coasties could participate. Erica said that they prefer to join an event already scheduled, rather than obligating them to show up or support an activity designed just for them.

There will be no March meeting. The next Coast Guard Connection meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 2:30 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room.

Sherry Nelson
Co-Chair, Coast Guard Connection

#8. We invited all the members on this committee to attend one of our Coast Guard Auxiliary meetings.
The meetings take place at the Cheboygan Coast Guard Station. They are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month starting in April.

Best Regards
Tom Griseto Vice Flotilla Commander - VE - PV - Crew

Flotilla Commanders,

Good Afternoon. I am BMC Andrew Bowe currently working with LTJG Vieira (Auxiliary Liaison) at Sector Sault Ste Marie. We are requesting from each of your flotillas what operations and training you may have scheduled, how many boating safety classes your flotilla expects to teach, and any public affairs events your flotilla expects to be involved with during this Spring/Summer/Fall. Fair weather is quickly approaching, and with COVID-19 restrictions easing, we would like to have a snapshot of each of your flotillas agenda for this year. Thank You and have a great day.


BMC Andrew Bowe
USCG Sector Sault Ste Marie
337 E. Water Street
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783


Submitted by Michael Marsden, FC

Regularly scheduled meetings of our Flotilla were held on February 15, 2022 and March 15, 2022. Several members of the Flotilla took advantage of online workshops that were offered in February. Michael Marsden and Perry Laing volunteered to serve as the Audit Committee for the Division and filed their report in mid-February. Chief Mike Twito, who has been regularly attending our Auxiliary meetings, invited all of the Auxiliarists to join the active duty Coast Guard members for chili cook off in late February and extended an invitation to our Auxiliarists as well for other community events Station Marquette is planning this spring and summer. Chief Twito has offered to give a refresher presentation on Navigation Rules at our April 19, 2022 meeting. The main topic at our March 15, 2022 meeting was the need to identify a R&S Officer, which is a work in progress.
Traverse City Flotilla 091-26-10
FC Report, 03/16/2022
Michael Harbin, FC

Working with the Auxiliary Association for a grant. Extremely frustrating endeavor.
Processing a new member application.
Ramping up for the season making sure everyone is attending their required workshops.
Making plans for Safe Boating Week including city/county proclamation.
Implementing a rolling 3-month calendar to bring better awareness to all activities of the flotilla in hopes of increasing participation.

March 12, 2022

To: DCDR Stan Sionkowski
VCDR Chuck Leady

FROM: James Munger, FC 091-26-03 Roscommon

RE: FC Report – March 2022

Meetings through March will be done remotely with Go-To-Meeting, first in-person meeting set for April.

FC will be the designated RS&S to inspect and record all PPE. Working with Working Dan Dean Auxlo at Station St Ignace to get written authorization to be the R&SS.
Have one new member in AP status and as completed CORE training.

Have surveyed flotilla members for status of their CPR, AED and First Aid training. Survey was done using SurveyMonkey which has a free version.
Expect to be participating with one of the local marine dealers at their boat show – PA event.
Anticipate have three on-water certified facilities this year. Plans underway to be the escort vessel for a cross-lake swim on Houghton Lake on June 25th.

Have reached out to the FC Lansing to get a list of those coxswains/crew interested in patrols with Roscommon.

Planning on hosting at least one MI Boating safety class this year.