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What goes here

Sun, 01 May 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

This is the menu where I will be documenting Policies and Procedures specific to Division 6 and Air Station Houston. The expectation is that the Allan Carroll and I will be documenting these in some sort of book for the Airstation Commander to sign.  in the meantime this menu area will be used to document what we come up with.

When the book comes out, what is documented in the book will take presedence to anything that is written here. - Ted

Use of the wash station by Aux Assets

Sun, 01 May 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson
The AUX may use the wash rack here at the Airstation in accordance with the safety 
guidelines listed below.
   1. Aircraft may not taxi under power past the last dashed line of the taxi lines 
leading into the wash rack.    
   2. AUX aircraft may utilize the water and the brushes but may NOT utilize the soap.  
   3. All aircraft MUST have 2 persons at a minimum (one on each side) to push 
aircraft into and out of the washrack.  
   4. Persons from the aviation engineering (hangar deck) shall not be utilized for this.
You may, however, always come to the bullpen to find a JO to assist if one is available.
   5. Aircraft must be pushed back a minimum of 100' out of the wash rack prior to
restarting the engines and the aircraft must be pointed in a direction AWAY
from all buildings and connex boxes (face aircraft towards the taxiway).

Alternate "weather" day scheduling

Sun, 01 May 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

When the AAC schedules a mission it is allowable to schedule an alternate day in case some thing happens to cancel the primary day.  The primary intent of this policy is to allow for a pilot to fly a flight on Sunday if the weather is bad on a scheduled Saturday.  However, I think we can use it for other reasons (or even weekdays). For example, if you discover the battery is dead on the primary day, you could put the battery on the charger and fly the next day.

a couple of items:

  1. The pilot with the alternate day orders MUST call the airstation and let them know that you are not flying.  On the alternate day you must also call the airstation and get your normal release.
  2. The Pilot with the alternate day orders MUST cancel the unused orders in both AOM and Netskeds with a comment stateing that the other day was used
  3. It is not necessary for the planned flight crew to be the same on both days.  Just make sure that the crew on the alternate day knows that the flight is an alternate day flight.  The Netskeds Orders will also be explicit so that potential crew will be able to tell.

Training while on orders

Sun, 01 May 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson

AuxAir pilots/crew are encouraged to add training tasks to your standard mission. This encouragement includes requesting orders specifically for doing training. 


some ideas for training tasks

  1.  fly a search pattern or two
  2. coordinate with a surface vessel for spotting or coordinating
    1.  see if you can find Robert Swidersky's tug boat. Call him first if you want to talk when over him. 
      2. ask Ted for contact information
    2.  search for another Aux vessel
  3. If you have a safety pilot, put the hood on get some simulated instrument time.
  4. if you have a safety pilot, put the hood on and fly an approach or two.
  5. do an engine out drill.
    1. at the altitudes that we normally fly you should not even pull the engine to idle, just tell your crew that you have had an engine out and work thru what y'all should do in this event.
  6. if the weather is bad along the coast and you can't do the operational mission, talk to the ASH duty OPS officer and maybe convert the entire flight to a training mission. You can have this conversation when you call the ASH Duty OPS officer for release.

Swimming with the ASH Swimmers

Mon, 17 Oct 16   Posted by: Thornton Dyson
It is possible to swim with the ASH swimmers to meet the Aux Swim requirement.  Details will be posted here when I know them - Ted